Wayne, thats the problem. The officer did not make an error. You admitted you were over the limit. That has psychological implications for you. The fact that the officer did not catch the one going the MOST over the limit is irrelevant. I have played this one out in my own mind many times. Chances are very good you will never know how many other folks (if any) got a ticket in the exact same situation when you were the worst violator. If you know for a fact that you were not speeding, then hell yeah, I would go to court and raise a holy stink on principle alone. It might not do me any good and it might cost me more, but knowing I am right will possibly shine through and earn me a victory. However, you are putting yourself into a situation where you may very well have to cast your principles aside in order to prove your point, and that will shine through as well.
Better to ask mercy from the court and permission to take a "safe driving" course (to get out of the points) then to argue that someone was breaking the law more than you were. It is after all, about the points, right? You could say "yes sir, I was in a moving parking lot that on average was above the limit. I was going with the flow. I think what most likely triggered the radar was a this big duelie passing me at the same exact moment. Unfortunatley for me, I got caught, and fortunately for him, he did not. All I am doing here today is asking for mercy and access to a safe driving course at my expenese to mitigate points on my record... I will gladly pay any assessed fees as I was no more better than the duelie going by me at 114Km/hr"
I think you will find that in another form in "How to win friends and influence others"