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Both my in car (MPH) and hand held radar (Genesis) allow me to target the largest target (or strongest target) and/or largest and fastest target. Both are directional so I can choose to ignore vehicles traveling in either direction (ie opposite direction traffic). My mobile will also allow for same direction (in front or behind me) moving targets while I'm at speed. Regardless of the operation, I am required to make a visual estimation prior to locking in the speed on radar in order to eliminate your arguement (does it always happen no). Now, are there guys who work off the reading purely...yep, and it's wrong. State your case, ask the officer if he had made his visual estimate, quality of tone emitted by the unit at the time of lock (this can cause "reasonable doubt"), and distance he made his observation and even bring in his estimate of the truck (supporting your case his unit was tracking that vehicles speed). Good luck.
As for the arguement about signs or surfaces reflecting the signal, this does happen, but the audible signal tells the opperator it's occuring by providing a poor quality sound during operation verses a solid sound with a good lock. Now, if it's LIDAR...your screwed, there is no escape and it's what I love using most because of it's accuracy (you target a specific vehicle with an Aim Point style retical), and it provides speed and distance at lock. Pretty cool and it eliminates these problems.
Last edited by SPF2245; 09-30-2009 at 02:25 AM..