Originally Posted by Excaliber
This isn't about creating a welfare state or folks asking for handouts. It's about reforming health care for the benefit of all the people and bring affordable health care to those that don't have any. The number of those without is growing every day. These aren't welfare folks, there normal everyday hard working people who may have lost their job and health care along with it. Or had a major health problem and found out their insurance was cancelled. There are a bunch of reasons why we need reform.
Yep, this is why Medical and Medicare (government run health care) reimbursement is so low that ERs are in the red because private paying care no longer makes up for the losses in operation.
Since when has health care been an entitlement?
Yep, they aren't welfare folks, but they certainly want someone else to give them a quick fix for even the slightest of ailments.
Anyone remember (link?) how Forbes when faced with insurmountable health care costs, due to unlimited care (full coverage benefit program), fixed the problem?
What do you think human nature/society is going to do with every asinine plan which has been proposed thus far?
Reagan screwed up.
They have plenty to hide. I am confident the Jamo and Jamo like people of the world could dissect the 72 pages in mere minutes of glancing at the social engineering.