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Old 09-30-2009, 05:28 PM
Dan40 Dan40 is offline
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Originally Posted by Excaliber View Post
This isn't about creating a welfare state or folks asking for handouts. It's about reforming health care for the benefit of all the people and bring affordable health care to those that don't have any. The number of those without is growing every day. These aren't welfare folks, there normal everyday hard working people who may have lost their job and health care along with it. Or had a major health problem and found out their insurance was cancelled. There are a bunch of reasons why we need reform.

...not ready for the rockin' chair, but when I am, I want a Harley engine on it.
Today we spend dollars that are half borrowed. Meaning that it is a welfare state. Those that cannot afford health care now, will not be able to afford it under any of the overhaul, not reform, bills presently proposed.
And it is contained within each of the bills that those who cannot afford the "new" health care will be subsidized by the Guv. THAT IS WELFARE!
And if you actually believe that ANY Government program is going to SAVE money, please name one that has and does.
The other thing that spending half borrowed dollars means is not that we as a nation are going broke. No, it means that we as a nation are long since GONE BROKE.
Some hard working people do suffer circumstances that crush them. LIFE is not fair! Supporting those few that do suffer through no fault of their own REQUIRES that we support legions of worthless parasites that have sucked the life out of this country since FDR's time. At some time we have to stop or the nation collapses. We cannot indefinitely support the parasites you feel so much compassion for. Our engine might have already blown and we are just coasting to the junk yard now.