Both you and Scott have good points, but I still don't think anyone should be made to buy insurance or anything else the Govt. decides on. I pay all of my own medical bills and don't have insurance. I don't want to be forced to buy it as then I most likely won't be able to pay other bills and they are more important to me than having the Govt. tell me what I have to buy. Also when they force this down our throats, every person that can afford their prices will run to the doctor every time they sneeze. Many people in this area are barely making it now on their retirement and adding Insurance to their bills will cause them to lose their homes and then we will have more homeless. Also a loss of property tax, more crime which is already on the increase around here, loss of sales taxes because they won't be able to buy anything and it goes on. The argument that they force you to buy car insurance does not hold water as they don't force you to buy a car, and about 1/2 of the wrecks they have here at least one party has no insurance or drivers license. This is sort of rambling, but I just don't like being told that I have to buy something because the Govt. has decided it is good for them. Oh, and on top of that they have just tripled our water and electric rates and have sent out a paper outlining the increases for the next two years. In 2011 our rates will be more than 4 1/2 times what they are now and they are already foreclosing on people that can't pay todays rates. And these are people that lost their jobs and won't be getting them back as this area has no real employment opportunities and they will have to leave the state to find anything. So another Govt. added expense is not the answer. I wish I knew a way to overhaul the Health Care plan without a lot of poor people getting shafted, but without big tax increases I see no way. By the way, this is not meant to pick any fights or start any flame wars. Just my opinion based on what I see around here and the fact I don't believe that our Govt. has the Constitutional authority to start deciding what we will buy and when.