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I do have the in-board jag brakes, and I really wasn't too interested in upgrading them unless by upgrading the front, I'd find I can't get a decent brake bias adjustment.
Braking is fine, although I'm not sure if I could lock the wheels if I had to (yes, I know, locking the wheels decreases stopping effectiveness.....just trying to describe it).
I don't like the pad "clicking", but I can live with it.
I never really noticed the pedal travel was long.
The main reason I was asking, is that sometimes it seems like a front caliper is sticking a little bit after I let up on the brakes, so if I was going to replace calipers, why not a better, more effective, pair?
Ps again: and about the ps: Is DOT 5 really that bad? I'm suspicious if I change now, I won't be able to fully purge the system, and that mixing the two might cause seal damage.