Originally Posted by Silverback51
I'm curious about the statement regarding plumbed systems. While I agree a plumbed system cannot be aimed, they are used on a lot of race cars and seem to function there. And specifically on the NHRA Funny Cars with their systems.
Am I'm missing something Jim?
I would imagine "shear volume". Big enough bottle and it will extinguish everything. Don't want a great big bottle in my car.
Also, in an accident, it goes off, possibly saving the driver's life. Most of what we've been are talking about here is related to saving the car in the event of a malfuntion such as a fuel leak. It wasn't meant to address saving the driver in the event of an accident, although it would be a nice "plus" for a plumbed system.
EDIT: Shoot, JWD got his post out whiel i was typing, so I covered old territory