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Old 10-05-2009, 10:28 AM
Dan40 Dan40 is offline
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We face an enemy unfettered by treaties, conventions, or morals! Yet they get FAVORABLE coverage from our own PRESS.
That makes for a tough long fight.
Our troops are second guessed by politicians much more interested in re-election than protecting the USA. The politicians are bolstered by liberal idealogical droolers like those revealed on this board.
That makes for a tough long fight.
We must build up and support the Afghan Army and their political bosses in Guv. Their politicians and Generals are at least as corrupt and self serving as our own pols are. Likely, much more so.
That makes for a tough long fight.
Nationally, regardless of political affiliation, we seem to have no memory of the problems we cause with UNFINISHED wars.
Korea, unfinished war, untold numbers of citizens slaughtered by their Gov. Our fault! It remains a thorn and a threat to the world to this day. Do you think other countries NOT blinded by USA conceit, don't blame us?
Vietnam, unfinished war. Unless you think we lost the war after winning every battle. The anti-war LEFT gave away a finishing victory. The anti-war left that is so concerned about the plight of our less fortunate fellow humans that they renege on our word and leave the Vietnamese people to be slaughtered by the 10's of MILLIONS. It did end their suffering.
First Gulf war, unfinished. Kurds slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands while we OVERFLY and do nothing.
And that is only fairly current events. Do you really think ANY nation believes ANYTHING we say? HISTORY says we could not care less what happens to unfortunate people. That is not foreign relations by GW Bush or B Obama. That is a long standing litany of lying by all our corrupt politicians.
We pull out of the Afghan conflict and history WILL repeat itself there AND shortly after in Iraq too!
And 100% CERTAIN after that, WE WILL BE HIT AGAIN. Almost surely ATOMICALLY!
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