Originally Posted by damdfw
Keep at it and I'm sure you will get that broken bolt out. I was wondering where you found the cobalt tip universal bit. I have been trying to drill through some very hard stainless steel and have broken numerous cobalt bits.
This is the manufacture of drill bits that I found works best on hardened steel. WAY better than cobalt bits, but the blade is different and I think that plus the tungsten carbide makes the difference:
Brand is ARTU. I know they have them at ACE, but they don't have them at Home Depot (nor any other bits that work with a crap for this purpose). Funny because I at first dismissed ARTU because of the long list of "universal" applications they list on the package. Figured that meant that it wouldn't work well on a specific high intensity application like drilling steel.
“There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.”
(Less time searching, more time wrenching & driving)