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ZRAY, I'm with you. Political terms change over time, sometimes in very short times, and most are meaninglessly broad. Choosing and defending one or the other has more to do with the political polarization of recent years than any real political stance.
I'll have a reasonable political discussion with anyone if it stays on issues and fact. When it declines into dogma, sweeping generalizations of dubious accuracy, hearsay (especially radio-show hearsay) and automatic assumptions that all [insert political tag here] believe the same fixed slate of things... I'll bow out and go talk with grown-ups.
It's time to burn all the labels and start over with facts.
I find it interesting that the polling is running so strongly liberal (so far). I've spent time in and out of the Mustang groups, which seem to run about 19 out of 20 not just conservative but tooth-grinding rant-radio righties. I suspect there's a socio-economic factor at work...
= Si Opus Quadratum vis, angulos praecidere noli. =
Last edited by Gunner; 10-06-2009 at 09:49 PM..