Originally Posted by Buzz
It also just might end your passenger's life. Roll bars in close proximity to the occupants' heads are a serious liability if you are not wearing a helmet. They are and always were intended for racing - which is why the SC and comp cars had only one for the driver, and the street cars came with none. Rollovers on the street are far less common than front and rear impacts that send driver and passenger heads rocking backward and forward. They became popular on Cobras after production had ceased and everybody wanted to emulate the SC look. If the owner/driver wants to accept the risk to his own head for the sake of a racecar look - fine - but why subject an innocent passenger with no head protection to the same danger?
If you are truly concerned for your passenger's safety, install a good set of head restraints (removable, of course, so as not to ruin "the look" when the car is parked.) 
Good point. I would think that one would be MUCH more likely to be rear ended than to roll over one of these cars. I just don't get the logic sometimes. The intent was;
Helmet + Roll bar = Track Safety. One without the other is useless unless you've padded your roll bar.