Originally Posted by Jamo
Thanks...it's good to hear real facts every now and then.
As for the press, the Brits seem to be able to rely on their media to keep their mouths shut on sensitive info better than anyone...a good balance. I wished our own press would understand their responsibility.
Yep. MacChrystals report deals with almost all of what Fsstnotch talks about. I have a couple of friends/co-workers over there also, and my cousin just got back after a couple of years. They all say pretty much the same thing. MacChrystal outlines this stuff, and then offers possible solutions at a generalised level. The report is definitely worth the read.
It does not really discuss the need for secrecy, but I agree with you on this one. All the news should get to run is 'Obama has directed that the number of boots on the ground will be increased.'. I personally want to know operational details, but then so do the bad guys.