Originally Posted by 1ntCobra
If the government wants the majority of us to drive low carbon footprint electric vehicles, what would be the point of putting a high tax on an ever shrinking portion of the population. Unless of course the government would prefer to not tax the majority?
They will hit everyone with higher gasoline taxes to start. That's the easy paint stroke and it hits everyone from the trucker to the soccer mom. It also garners the most revenue. I will bet the farm on that happening in the next 12 months.
But they will also disguise other alternative revenue streams as carbon taxes, and they will use DMV records to target specialty vehicles and year built. Think of all the cars still on the road that are older than year 2000. They are all targets. Make the carbon tax high enough and you could force many to seek alternatives (i.e. more effiicient car, public transportation, etc.). All the alternatives essentially
create jobs. Enthusiasts will shrug and the pay the tax (to a point), again as part of their annual DMV fees. That's how you administer the program...it's already in place and it's 100% electronic.
Now you start to see how all of this ties in.