I will next hook up the alternator, this way while driving the fan will not drain the battery. Question: Does ford make a one wire alternator, or only GM. if Ford does are they any good. I have been using gm one wire;s for years on almost everything. I prefit a junk gm and it will work without any changing of brackets.
You can get this little gizmo for abut 30 bucks or less and add it to any old style Ford alternator and "viola", you now have a Ford one-wire alternator.....Your local parts place probably will not stock them, mine doesn't but they get them in a day or two when i need one.....
Have one on my 65 Fastback, been on it for over 10 years now,no problems, have another on my 65 Coupe race car, been on that car for 4 or 5 years now, no problems..........
Have done at least 6 for friends, takes all of 2 minutes to install if that.......