Originally Posted by Excaliber
I was thinking about it today, while working on the ERA. There is only ONE "real" birth certificate. Everything else has GOT to be a copy of some kind. It does sound rather risky to take the "one" and start passing it around to new's hounds, pundits, lawyers and such , who will without a doubt, "make a copy" of it. How ironic is that! By the time everyone is done dealing with the "real" one it will be dog eared, torn, smudged and fingerprints all over.
...and will STILL be declared a forgery by the birthers! No freakin' way Obama can win this without some doubt remaining some way.
I guess that's why they have "certified copies" and a letter from Mom.
Hey folks, there's some bad LSD going around out there.
Doubts about where Obama was born and the "birther" nuts will be out there until the day Obama leaves office. People get the Government they deserve. If people don't like it, they need to mobilize and change things.