no Flywheel in sight!
When I reached Rob, the T&L fairyteller who seems to be the only one able to use a phone, he told me it was on its way. That was around Sept. 30th.
I reached him again on Oct. 7th, now he tells me that USPS had sent back the flywheel because it was not packed correctly or something like that. It will leave tomorrow and he will mail me the tracking number! Guess what! Correct!
Now I just talked to him 10 minutes ago, Oct.14th:
I want my tracking number!
Hold on please!
After 5 minutes: hello, where are you holding on for?
Hold on please!
After 3 more minutes I call him from another phone, he answers immediatly!
Are You kidding me? Where is my tracking number????
Silence until I hang up after telling him what I think of T&L!
I can recommend T&L to anyone trying to go insane and has not made it yet!