Originally Posted by RodKnock
I agree though, your Cobra, all your cars for that matter, if possible, should be insured under the/an umbrella policy or insurance, though that would require your main car and/or home insurer to underwrite the special insurance for your Cobra to be included, which may or may not happen.
No, it does not have to be expensive. In fact, it shouldn't be expensive (and it usually isn't). You have two options: 1) Have your insurance agent (or if you're doing it yourself, then you do it) contact your umbrella carrier and ask them "does this umbrella policy cover my Cobra that is insured with this policy here with ACME Classic Cars?" or 2) Add your Cobra to the liability portion only of the underlying auto policy for which the umbrella sits above. If right now you're running your Cobra out on the streets of CA and all you've got for liability is the face amount of your classic car policy you're taking a terrible, terrible risk. But, like I said, I won't bug you about it.