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Cinched up my belt, ate my Wheaties, gulped a Red Bull, pulled my John Wayne down over my eyes and went to DMV today.
I needed all that testosterone to walk past the lonnnnggggg line standing in the rain and up to the empty appoinments line. I was toasty warm from all the glares.
I did NOT need it for the DMV counter. As nice a guy as you could ask for, told me about the guy who came in yesterday to register purchase on a $100k Shelby Mustang, processed everything without a hitch. It's an "application in progress" since the skies split open ahead of schedule and I couldn't drive 707 there for the inspection, but I'll take care of that with a CHP inspection sometime next week.
Which will be no problem with a 60-day TOP.
Really. He asked. I said yes and tried not to grin too obviously.
Which means I can drive it the three dry days between now and 12/19, at least... and get to all the inspections etc. without trying to match up 2-day permits and clear weather.
Yes, I am grinning like an idiot now. Why do you ask?
= Si Opus Quadratum vis, angulos praecidere noli. =