onefastmustang I have my links to the other side in my aftermarket FE block. No problems after 3 years of racing. It's alot more important the the links are not binding and get plenty of
oil to the pivots. You need to make sure that you go through the complete 360 degrees of cam shaft turning with the heads and pushrods and the there is still play in the link with one lifter at max lift and the other at base circle of the camshaft. If they are binding, you can extend the slot in the bar with a FILE. "NO HIGH SPEED GRINDER" to have enough free play. The other thing is maken sure that the lifters are no twisting eash other in there bores. Another thing you might want to do is install and epoxy screens in the
oil returns over the camshafts. This will keep the broken parts in the valley and not let them fall into the lifter camshaft area to do major damage to the motor if a failure of the bar happens. Have the lifters checked and rebuilt after 5k of hard driving and 12K of normal driving. Look for rubbing,blueing, and binding on the links. The maintainance approach. will give your motor many more miles of life with only and intake gasket costing you to do.
Take you time when checking all lifters. You may have to bent the bars to get them true and straight on the camshaft lobes. Rick L.