Originally Posted by jeffy
Very cool on the roll-bars: the ERA team is amazing at how far they will go to accommodate us!
One question, though: what happened to the TorqueThrusts??? Everyone has pin drives...
You have a good memory ... and a good question!
My initial take on wheels from way back was Torque Thrust D and that was that, I really like the look and still do. The 427 wheels are very cool too, but I like wheels that are a bit more 'open' in the center, if that makes any sense.
However, while I was at ERA in August ... I saw these FIA wheels ( see below ) with the center web painted black and the wheel lip was polished ... now looks pretty good to me too!
There are pros and cons for both bolt on and pin drive wheels, and a differential in dollars as well ... yet another choice to make.
While I have gone back and forth on some of the details, the basic decision of a 289 Street FIA from ERA with a small block has not wavered one bit ... the rest of the stuff is bolt on, so down the road I can change it if I don't like it. The last real decision is paint.
I suspect no matter which way I go on a few of these decisions, once I have the car and am rumbling down the road, or trying to keep up with 'the boys', all that will really matter is enjoying the drive.

- Tim