Originally Posted by damdfw
When I first got my roller, I talked to one of the dealers about some guidance on finishing the car/sourcing parts. I was told he would sell me a manual for $12,000 because that is what he charged to finish a car.
Dang, I should of thought of that since it makes perfect sense out of a seemingly simple, obvious issue, that for some unknown and mysterious reason, just never gets resolved.
OK, here's a prediction: Panavia writes back after a couple of weeks "the SAI people are reviewing it, and it looks promising." A few weeks later, "I still haven't heard, let me check back with them." A month or two after that, "Well I havent' updated this thread in a while, but the situation is more complicated than it originally appeared." That will be the last posting on the thread.
Bottom line: You will never have access to a quality manual, at a reasonable price, in your lifetime.