Who does Brad Pitt want to play? Enzo?!?!? I have heard he is on track to be Frank Bullitt in a remake of Bullitt.
Geez, there are NO new ideas in Hollywood.
And after your story gets a "treatment", is rewritten twice, changed after the screenwriter quits and the "rescue writer" is brought in during filming, you will be the proud author of "Cannonball Run V"!!!!
"Directed by Alan Smithee"!!!
You remember critical point during the night at LeMans 1966 when Donna Mae Mimms (Pam Anderson) cut off Fangio (Antonio Banderas) in the GT40 that was built the night before by the volunteers from prison and Fangio had to crash rather than run over the crippled orphan boy who had given Fangio his treasured good luck amulet during the blessing by the Pope.......................Yeah, that's the ticket!!!!!!!!