My first name is Reine, I own my Ram Cobra since 1997.When I was a little girl, I always dreamed that one day I shall have a Cobra.
I drive it in France and in Europe, my longest trip was Paris (France) to Poland to go to a drag racing event.
I run the french National drag racing trophy since 2005 , my best results were some first places and a general overall ranking of 2nd and 3rd. My best time on the quarter mile is 11.80s.
I always go to the competitions by the road, not on a trailer, I have driven more than 45 000 miles with my Cobra. I am a solitary driver and since I do not like to have to care about a passenger's comfort during my trips.
I do some basic mechanical work on it (electricity, carbs...) but not the big job such as the engine rebuilding. I still have much to learn and spend as much time working on the car as I can between two racing seasons.
My car is fairly modified, I have an excellent engine in it and it has a more oriented racing setting than a city setting.