Originally Posted by cobra bill
Oh please, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they get there marching orders from the RNC, it fallows verbatim the talking points put out every day by the RNC and it’s not just one commentator, its all of them 24/7
get off your high horse and pay attention! And yes of course MSNBC has a liberal slant, they never have denied it, at least they are honest about it.
They also put down the POTUS and other Democrats that don’t do what they were elected to do, when was the last time Fox bashed a Republican? Oh they did, the one from New York that was forced out because she was to moderate, when she backed the democrat, they were all over her.
Fox is certainly conservative but you are way off to think they represent the RNC. They happen to be the only one that leans that way and liberals can't stand it, the left has had the obsequious media elite for years.To say that MSNBC has a liberal slant is like saying it gets cool in Alaska in January.To say they are honest is a joke, if they were honest they would say they are the place for liberal politics, they don't they pretend to be unbiased political news. The CNN reporter lost it on air and said that the Tea Parties were anti Obama, anti CNN so much for unbiased. The media elite won't ask Obama the hard questions that they should be nor will they report on the leftist on staff at the White House, like communication director,Anita Dunn who said Mao Tse Tung was one of her favorite philosophers. Imagine a man responsible for the death of at least 70 million admired by this White House, what a sad day in America.