Guys that want to down play what Shelby did are in fact are denigrating what he accomplished while peddling the hoohy that they aren't really denigrating what he accomplished. Perhaps those guys should find another car to be enthusiastic about like well...a Ferrari or Corvette they can be more enthusiastic about.
Shelby took off the shelf technology and won? Really? Seems like someone needs to do a bit more reading about SAI and the history of the Cobra before talking and appearing unread on the subject while at the same referring to others as "idiots". How ironic. LOL.
While Shelby didn't do the wrenching himself he was the central force in putting together and managing a winning organization and a successful organization utilizing a handful of talented California hot rodders. Shelby has always been the first guy to give his employees and drivers the credit they deserved. Always. Anyone who doubts this is ignorant on the subject. Shelby and his team did in fact, however, take an AC Ace which was a design and technology nearly 15 years out of date and antiquated as of 1962 and not only made it a National winner in USRRC but also a world champion taking on world class competition. Moreover one of Shelby's most famous accomplishments, and not quite "off the shelf" technology was the Daytona Coupe. While Brock designed it, Brock was also hand picked by Shelby as part of the talented team SAI put together. But I'm sure you knew all this.
Shelby was also heavily involved in turning the famous GT40 into a winner. I'm sure you knew all this too.
While I have only scratched the surface of the facts as to what CS and SAI accomplished there is no shortage of books, videos, articles and even websites devoted to the Cobra and Shelby and his accomplishments both on the race track and in bringing us iconic cars. I guess all those authors, producers of films never caught on to how ordinary and prosaic Mr. Shelby's accomplishments really were.
Someone just unzipped their fly clearly exposed their lack of knowledge on the subject. Anyone who is also getting tired of the "mythos" of Carroll Shelby perhaps should find another hobby and car to be enthused about and stop denigrating the central figure in the Cobra hobby as to his accomplishments. Shelby is an automotive icon. With enthusiasts like those who are "getting tired" of the Shelby "mythos" and who seem to think what Shelby accomplished is no more then what he (the faux enthusiiast) could do by ordering ERA parts and testing them to performance specs (laughable for sure) we don't need detactors. To that type of "enthusiast" I say "Sell the Cobra replica and buy a Corvette". Sheesh.
By the way "mythos" is an inappropriate word to use when speaking of Shelby's accomplishments and automotive iconic status. Shelbys accomplishments are founded on well documented historical fact not mere beliefs and his iconic status is based on those accomplishments.
P.S. Mr. Rodknock: By your conclusion of what Kopec said you clearly didn't get what he was saying. You need to read the Registry which makes it clear and once you read the Registry it will be clear that you don't own a Cobra but a replica of one. Thats what SAAC says I'm just repeating it. Sorry. Second, why should I give a rats a$$ what owners of originals think? In fact I don't because there is no reason to.
Takes care.