Originally Posted by cobra bill
Oh please, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they get there marching orders from the RNC, it fallows verbatim the talking points put out every day by the RNC and it’s not just one commentator, its all of them 24/7
get off your high horse and pay attention! And yes of course MSNBC has a liberal slant, they never have denied it, at least they are honest about it.
They also put down the POTUS and other Democrats that don’t do what they were elected to do, when was the last time Fox bashed a Republican? Oh they did, the one from New York that was forced out because she was to moderate, when she backed the democrat, they were all over her.
I've had it. I only highlighted some of your errors...sentence structure, lack of puncuation, etc. throughout this post.
I've warned you numerous times...the Lounge is for intelligent discussion, and you are slowing down the rotation of the planet by making the reader decipher just what the hell you're talking about while you blast everyone else.
Take some time off...I'll decide when and if you come back (it might be awhile). Go to school...third grade I should think.
Don't like it? Good.