Originally Posted by tkb289
Thanks for the info ...
Good point on the 5 bolt vs 6 bolt 289 blocks, I read about the differences and I would definitely go for a 6 bolt block and have more transmission choices.
Initially I was focussed on having a 289 and am still considering that option. The other way I may go, is to start with a new 302 block & crank, select some good heads and leave it at 'just' 302 cu in. With the proper carb, intake manifold and cam, it should make decent power.
My understanding is that aside from casting numbers, the only major difference between a 289 block and 302 block is the skirt length. If that is the case, then I suppose with a 289 crank and a 302 block one could have a 289 that way as well.
Just curious ... but are 'new' 289 cranks available?
- Tim
Tim, you may be able to find an NOS 289 standard or Hipo crank out there in the market. Additionally, you could conceivably get a machine shop to grind any type of crank you want brand new too.
I think a vintage 289/302 block or a new 302 (5.0 roller block-no ZDDP worries) is a great way to go. It's your build and you build it the way you want in order to make yourself happy.