Yeah, you thought it said SEX on the beach, didn't you?
Anybody recall a Shelby American photo of a black CSX sitting on a beach at just about sunset? I'm trying to obtain a copy of this photo.
Why this particular photo?
Way back when I first got bit (Monterey Historic Auto Races, 2000, and yes, it was the 289 FIA that made my ticker flicker...) I had a copy of this photo on my computer. It was "the goal".
Well, I'm there. In a few weeks my ERA 289FIA comes out of the paint shop and I'll be finishing it up. I've already enjoyed about 3k miles in it, but now that it's painted it's going to be sa-weet.
And yes, I'm painted it solid black. Just like the one in that photo. It took me a while to realize that it was that photo that was driving my taste for painting my Cobra all black (like my BMW and Porsche were), so now I'm in hot pursuit of a copy of that photo.
Anybody recall a photo like that? Got a copy you can post?