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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 08:24 AM
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Exclamation registering a used ERA 427 in CT

Hello to all;
My name is Don Cyr form Connecticut, and I just bought a 427 which was built and finished in 2007.
It was registered in the State of Ct in 2007 as a composite vehicle.
The title says 2007, model; Composite.
I am aware of the recent law; #1081 enacted on or about 10/09.
But I don't think anyone has tested the law for obtaining early american status for a vehicle previously labeled a composite where you can now use the date of manufacture of the year that the car most closely resembles.
Does anyone have any sucess or failure stories on tyhis subject.
Obviously; I want to register the car a 1966, to take advantage of the new law.
If I use this car 20 times a year, and had to pay 1-K in property taxes, it is paying $50.00 each time I take the car for a ride!


the car had 222 miles on it, and is well equipped form ERA.
I could not be happier with the cars performance and handiling etc..
The cars are very well engineered.

Don Cyr
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 10:53 AM
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Default Call Era and talk to Peter P.

Dons427 Don Call ERA and see what Peter can tell you. The other guy to e-mail would be Jim Holden. He has a good info on this topic and is pretty well informed.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 11:52 AM
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Thank-you, Rick for your help.
I will try what you said.
Although; I have already talked to Peter.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 04:06 PM
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There is more info in the Registration forum on this site, under CT Registrations. It says the new law enacted 10/2009 is not retroactive, as interpreted by the DMV. You might try to unregister your car, then re-register it, but would have to go through the inspection again, probably. I registered mine in 2008, and don't want to go back to the DMV for any reason if I can avoid it. I have decided to just live with the high property taxes. They do go down each year as the car ages. Good luck.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 06:25 PM
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Don: Would it be correct this will be a new registration using the CT DMV issued VIN and the Composite is not currently registered ?

If so, fill out the paperwork using the Model year of 1966, even though the Title/Bill of Sale states 2007 and make the attempt to register as desired. If questioned, reference the law which became effective 10/09.

Sounds vague, but due to the infrequency of registering Composites and application of Model Year registration, the DMV clerk may not be familiar with the law. Might also help having a copy of the law with you, indicating model year for new registrations after 10-1-09. The DMV office Supervisor might also be of help. Had a recent example where a DMV supervisor assisted an out of state purchaser in obtaining CT Transport plates to drive a vehicle home, since the Clerk was not familiar with the details.

There are or might still be some inconsistencies with the Town Tax assessors in how they apply the book valuation of Composites. The value for property taxes hopefully will be based upon the year of 1966, not whether there are Early American plates, which carries a max value for assessment of $500
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