Anyone using "Bridjit" curb ramps for screwed up storm curbed driveways?
Yesterday I finally bit the bullet for a system to help with my damned storm drain curbs in my neighborhood....Cobra would scrape the frame if I didn't angle it perfectly and at the right speed...SOLVED. GT was even worse....SOLVED. With the GT I still need to go at a bit of an angle, as that car has a nose on her that only a father could love. I had to pull ramps out/in every time I used the car which was a pain in the ass! Rest of the cars, well, bouncy bounce, and my dad's family car scraped no matter what. Ahhhhhh!!!!
Ordered yesterday, and by chance they are in the same county as me, so the owner of the company delivered to me today free of charge. << That was great service...Even his wife was with him and they set everything up for me. Worth every dime in my estimation...I probably should have gotten one more section, but will likely do so down the road.