Well, Sunday, Tom, from work (the one with the Camaro), not from St. Augustine, came over and we spent about 4 hours on the Cobra, got the 1" phenolic spacer under the intake, got the new valve covers on, got everything hooked back up and got
oil back in the BEAST and she once again BREATHED FIRE
We also went to change out the rear bushings from the stock rubber type to the poly-urethane only to find out they were TOO BIG, hmmmm, sometimes size does count
Oh well, hopefully the body can go on soon......I will be off work starting tomorrow at noon, until Monday January 9th.....I know everyone is probably goin crazy, like me, trying to finish their Christmas shopping, but, if anyone has any free time the week after Christmas I would welcome a hand working on the Beast.....I will be available until Thursday the 5th to turn wrenches and spin tales
Then, on the 5th I am going in to have a tumor removed from my pituitary gland, sooooooooooo, please, keep me in your PRAYERS!!!!!!