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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2013, 05:52 AM
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Default Met the Silversmith

Had a nice surprize a couple of days ago got a call from the Silversmith, said he was heading North in his Cobra.With all the Harleys out and about when he got close enough knew it was him with the distinctive side exhaust thump.
Have to say your car is a beauty Sage it is done right with the red paint and really liked the trick cooling aid. ha ha
Also liked the idea of that Accusump have thought about one for quite a while.Once I finish the major project in the shop plan to use our car a lot more.

Last edited by mdross1; 05-08-2013 at 05:35 AM..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2013, 07:21 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: York Co. Maine USA, ME
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA 427 S/C W/Holmon Moody Original Nascar build #508 Iron Block/heads (C5AE-H) Bal/Blu 427 Sideoiler; 780 Holley Dbl. Pump; 4 Speed Top Loader; AP Racing Bks; IRS; 15" Trigo pins
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Thanks M8! I was great a great ride up 35N to meet you & the wife. I am however, concerned with your obsession with speed! Lets see; a 200hp daily driver Harley, a 600hp Boss Hog that doesn't have enough power, so you have a 800+hp stroked 427cid ready to drop in! If that isn't enough a AC Cobra (cmc) with a 460 pushing 550+hp. The main problem that I see Mike is that the ride with the most wheels, has the least amount of Horsepower Pull that AC outa da garage turn on all of that milling equipment & beef up that 460 to the hottest ride in your barn!! Oh the shame having a AC thats not the baddest of the bunch Just kidding M8. Awsome rides all, including the old John Deere restoration projects. But really M8 pull the AC out & get her ready. Spring is finally here!! Drop me a line & we'll go Maul some backroads.
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