11-14-2001, 10:56 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Southern New Hampshire,
Cobra Make, Engine: Dreaming - and saving $
Posts: 64
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For the Veterans... Please read
While in the search for my dream car, I think I found it by the way, and you've all been of great help, thanks. BUT - It's 12:30 and I have been romping around this site for a while and I noticed that I am among some Veterans, and with whats going on in the world now, and what has happened in the past - I would like to say thank you for your service. I have a two year old son whom I love more than I love to breathe, and the people who have fought, and protected our freedom don't get thank yous' enough, for you are the people that allow me and my son to sleep a night, feel safe and enjoy freedom. I am terribly and truly scared about whats happining over in Afghansuckistan. Being 26 years of age, I wasnt around for WWI, WWII, or Veitnam but I have a grasp of how I a able to go to the store and buy a Coke, hang in a diner and have a burger, go to a park with my son and feel relatively safe. I admit, I have taken these things for granted in the past, but after being home due to my injury on Sept. 11 and watching that whole thing unfold I realized that life is uncertain, and sometimes scary. You service members have given me something that I could never begin to repay, my father, his father, and his father were also a part of the same cause, freedom. Freedom is being able to sleep at night, being able to read a book to my boy, and living life with pride to be an American. You have all done a great service to this Country for many many years, and - my son and I thank you, for your service, your sometimes great losses, and your dedication to being the best. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
P.S. When I think about this it is fair to assume that all of the people that fought so I can take a long ride in the mountains when I want to, or eat at Applebees when I feel the need, suffered great loss of friends and family during war time. Again, this is just my way of saying thanks to you, all of you - who we're in the front lines getting down to business in far away lands, who had to leave there families, friends, and basically their entire lifes to go give me my freedom. You all have my best wishes and I owe you a sincere appology for ever taken such small things for granted that I have because of you, and people like you. I am proud to be an American. Thank you for your service.
Best wishes,
David Carlberg