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05-15-2014, 09:42 AM
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Chevy in a Cobra
Well I didn't realize all the fuss going on in that thread that was closed by Jamo. Sorry for bringing it up again but......
OK OK let me clear a few things up.
If you like a Chevy in your Cobra replica/kit/continuation(you choose the term) I'm glad you are enjoying it and God bless.
For me when researching ones for sale it seems that 98% are anything but a Cobra. Call me stupid but I like keep it simple stupid(kiss) principle. Cobra= 1960's CS creation. Everything else is "other'' to me.
There are a few owners on this site that I chat with occasionally that keep a very low profile and own Cobras(my definition). I don't think more or less of anyone's ride.
I do have a few comments about this post. The first part was ok but the words "comical", "ludicrous", "joke" are words you should steer clear from.
Some guys put in thousands of hours into their creations...blood, sweat and tears...and this is your overall viewpoint. I know, I know taken out of context....WELL
As far as I'm concerned a Continuation to me is nothing but a replica or kit of an original. As you say....It reaches a point where it's BS. Really.
Back to regular programming......my apologies to all.
Real 1
I think AL427SBF and OldDog both have a point.
From what I can see attendance at SAAC events seems to have dropped over the years. I don't know if membership has dropped. This could clearly be an indication in dropping interest in the "Cobra" as to it's history and interest/concern in Cobra authenticity and accuracy. However, there will always be a segment of the "Cobra" hobby and enthusiast pool that will retain a keen interest in authenticity, provenance, accuracy and history. To those people the accuracy of a correct BB or SB in a Cobra replica is paramount. As more and more "replicas" stray farther and farther from aesthetic accuracy those remaining aesthetically correct may actually have a higher and higher value to those that seek them out.
What strikes me as comical is that as the recipe of new wave "hot rod builders" as they like to refer to themselves stray father and farther away from what a Cobra really is and was how these guys also continue to self servingly refer to their "creations" as "Cobras replicas" which they are not. "Cobras" they clearly are not. These builders continue to further diliute what the Cobra is and was but continue anoint the creations they build as a "Cobras". Ridiculous.
Case in point: Does a square tube chassis car, with inboard rear brakes, BMW suspension components, digital gauges and a Coyote motor even qualify as a "Cobra replica". I know what SAAC definition is of a Cobra replica but isn't there a point where a hot rod having nothing in common or even remotely replicating the original functionally except a plastic Cobra shell doesn't even qualify as a Cobra replica. Isn't it bastardizing the entire concept of a "Cobra replica". Isn't the basic proposition of building or buying a "Cobra replica" to replicate to a large extent or at least to some extent what the Cobra was? Isn't there a point reached where it is more akin to a one off "hot rod" with a shaped plastic body shell merely mimicking a Cobra shape on it or a "T" Bucket with a fake Cobra shell. Substitute a Chevy motor for the Coyote motor and its even more ludicrous to refer to such a vehicle as a Cobra replica more less a Cobra. It becomes a joke. It has absolutely nothing in common with a Cobra or even an honest Cobra replica that seeks to be even half ass aesthetically correct. Nothing. It's it a farce?. It's not even a fakeydoo. Where an owner or builder does nothing to recreate what a Cobra was except put a plastic shell on a chassis that looks like a Cobra how should that be considered a "Cobra Replica" more less a Cobra.
Hey, if the anything with a Cobra shell qualifies as a "Cobra replica" or even a "Cobra" (significant distinction between the two) I will get a Cobra shell from Street Beasts and remove my daughters VW body and make her car a Cobra.
Where do you draw the line?
What's next, putting a plastic Cobra shell on a "T" Bucket, Camaro, VW, Fiat or Mercedes will qualify as a "Cobra". What a joke.
I don't know what to call those cars but they qualify as neither a Cobra replica or Cobra in my book. To refer to them as such is a farce.
You want to build a "hot rod" with a Cobra shell that has nothing in common with a Cobra except it's shape then at least have the decency not to call it a Cobra. Call it a Hot Rod with a Cobra shell on it.
It reaches a point where it's BS. Really.

05-15-2014, 10:45 AM
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Where's Evan?
E. Wood
10.69 @ 129.83mph - on pump gas and street tires

05-15-2014, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by OnyxRider
Cobra= 1960's CS creation. Everything else is "other'' to me.
That's a pretty high mark, OnyxRider, but fair enough.
I know guys with what you call 'Cobras'. AND, they own Kirkhams, too. Dressed to the 9's, with iron FE's, all the right bits and pieces, including body corrections...
You wouldn't call these cars 'Cobras'??!! Ok, ok. But...
If that's the case, then you sir, are spending an inordinate amount of time on the wrong site. Because 99.99% of us are driving "others".
No disrespect, just sayin...

05-15-2014, 12:18 PM
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If the discussion maintains a high road...cool
If not...
Evan...I'm talking asspecially to you.
Personally, I firmly believe in having a Ford motor in the Cobras I've owned for a very simple logical reason...the distributor is in the front where God intended it to be for fat basturds.
Interesting fact...most Cobra reproductions in England have Chevy motors. The odd ducks are the ones with Fords.
In Australia, they are all odd ducks so it doesn't matter what the he!! they put in.
One of the earliest Cobra reproductions, Arntz, generally called for Chevy motors.
In the final analysis...I like mine, it is better than yours, and I don't give a good golly damn what anyone else thinks.

05-15-2014, 02:27 PM
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Wellll...gee...I think you are right....bart

05-15-2014, 04:32 PM
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I love Chevy's I'm a Chevy guy, I've never owned a Ford but even I wouldn't want a Chevy in my Cobra. Not saying it's wrong just not for me.

05-15-2014, 07:30 PM
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I like to keep these threads going. For the guy's driving kits, replicas I have to say it again . You are not driving a real Cobra. It may feel and look like a Cobra but it is not! It does not matter if you use a Ford motor, Buggy leaf springs, match the number of rivet on the hood, go to an aluminum body and on and on and on. It is still not a real Cobra. It is a HotRod that is shaped like a Cobra, so if you are a Chevy guy or a Mopar guy why not go with those choices, as well if you are a Ford guy Go Ford. And if you you hear from the "Ford Only in a Cobra" crowd that you will ruin the resale value that is a load of BS!!! For that crowd yes a Chevy engine would devalue your car but for the HotRod guy, the Chevy guy, the I want the best performance for my dollar guy, I want the best performance period guy, for the I want to be able to get parts at my local parts store guy , for the it is not what you buy it is what you build guy. The Chevy in a Cobra replica is a BONUS.

05-15-2014, 07:34 PM
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It's the same folks that feel the need to keep saying the same thing over and over again that result in the same asinine arguments that ruin threads.
Do you have some overwhelming need to be an Evan replica?

05-15-2014, 07:48 PM
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Honestly, I can't figure out who wrote the OP and is it an argument, statement, point, question, commentary, what?

05-15-2014, 10:04 PM
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Yadaa!, Yadaa!, Yadaa! If shelby had his first choice for a big 3 auto company to tie-in with. We would be calling most people who put Ford engines into Cobra's; Traitors!  Chebbie motors would have been the norm. Not Blue Ovals. I keep my AC as close as possible to the original CSX3116 I grew up in. Put what ever you want into your cobra kit/replica. Because what you will never understand about original CSX (sb,BB) performance!  Won't hurt you!  Except in your wallet!  When you wish to sell your kit with a just motor in it.  Instead of a Engine! 

05-15-2014, 10:16 PM
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This is the 3rd thread on this topic in as many days. I feel I'm on a Merry-go-round that won't stop. Geez!

05-16-2014, 03:30 AM
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My Dad and I have owned a few Cobras over the years. Of the five, we've had:
EFI Supercharged SBF
427 FE
We don't mind a bit of variety and we're certainly not caught up on the opinions of others  In fact, Jamo's right in that Aussies are pretty casual about the whole drivetrain debate. Over here it's more about driving and/or racing than sitting around at a static car show measuring rivet spacing and checking date codes.

05-16-2014, 04:10 AM
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Thankfully when we purchase our kits we have the freedom to build them anyway we see fit. In all my years of hearing this is right that is wrong it always amazes me how these people feel that way. I call it hard headedness it is so much easier to accept one anothers ideas and enjoy this kinship most of us have.
I guess in the end those that feel above it all are not going away I for one will ignore them and enjoy my AC Cobra, after all I built it for that reason. Nothing I read here or hear elsewhere will take away my love for these iconic muscle cars,"Hot rod with Cobra body",I like that statement!

05-16-2014, 04:58 AM
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As a person who bought my car with a Chevy motor not so much because I wanted a Chevy as much as I generally liked the car, if anybody who thinks it is traitorous to put a Chevy motor in your car would like to foot the bill for an engine and everything else needed to convert it to a Ford engine, I will gladly accept any form of payment.
For those of you who go through life worrying about what engines are under the hood of a car you do not own, you can alleviate your torturous pain by switching my car to Ford. I already have the transmission, so I will just need a S/O 427 and all the hook-ups. Knowing how you feel about the need for originality, I can only assume a true 427 S/O would satisfy your irrational fear of a Chevy under the hood.
Please P/M me and I will give you an address where you can send the donation. I will start switching it over this Winter as soon as blykins or Keith Craft finish my newly funded engine.

05-16-2014, 05:16 AM
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I have a Lone Star body, which is longer and wider than a "Cobra"
I have a fuel injected small block, not a 260-289 carb'ed motor
I have a five speed, not a toploader
I have a 8.8 with a four link, not a Jag rear end
I've always called my Cobra a hot rod
I build my Cobra the way I wanted it to be
I've enjoy every mile of the 40,000 that is on it
I'm quick to tell people that it is a replica
See Ya on the road
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05-16-2014, 07:52 AM
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so i gather this won't fit then?

05-16-2014, 04:26 PM
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Onyx rider I find your comment offensive. I have had my square chassis chev powered hot rod cobra lookalike whatever label you like to give for 20 odd years and had a lot of fun with it.
You are the kind of person that likes to knock other people's things to make yours look better.
I would like you referred to as a replica person, look a bit like one, but somehow not quite right on the inside. Maybe you are actually not able to be a replica, you are a fakeydo person.

05-16-2014, 05:52 PM
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I had a Contemporary Cobra awhile back with a Chevy small block and a Muncie 4 speed and I absolutely loved it. Faster then stink.

05-16-2014, 06:45 PM
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Originally Posted by BevanWright
... You are the kind of person that likes to knock other people's things to make yours look better ...
Who says OnyxRider even owns one, he has been asked several times what cobra replica he owns and he never answers, just runs and hides 

05-16-2014, 07:26 PM
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Ok, back by popular demand here I am.
Yes, of course I ruin threads. Yes of course I reiterate the same thing over and over. But you left out the other half of the equation. The same threads and questions continue to pop up and be asked. As facts don't change naturally my responses never change. Threads are ruined not because of me. You give me too much credit. Threads are ruined when those with personal opinions different from fact get their panties in a wad and want reality to comport with their own little reality/opinions.
BTW I agree with ALSBF427 100% on the BB vs. SB thread. Moreover, I don't see where he said anything inflammatory nor is he close to being a "troll".
You see there are facts then there are personal opinions. Facts don't change but personal opinions vary like snowflakes and are always subject to change and modification.
Onyxrider's posts tend to be somewhat cryptic. Although he clearly used the "Chebby" topic to get in a shot at current production Cobras with his "own opinion", that's fine. He is clearly entitled to his opinion. Just like a$$holes everyone has one. No issue with his opinion at all as that's all it is and means 0 to anyone but him and less then 0 to me.
On the Chebby topic I offer the following....To me it's simple. Chevy power in a Cobra replica is heresy. To be a Cobra proponent and advocate and then to actively put Chevy power in your "Cobra" replica is heresy on a number of levels.
You car still qualifies as a "Cobra replica" to me provided there is some effort beyond a Cobra look a like shell such as hardware and/or gauges and/or trim etc...Although, SAAC's definition gets you in to the "replica" category even if you have peddle power, Camry gauges, F150 Wheels and pogo sticks for suspension my OPINION departs from that of SAAC's. My standard is a little higher so all of you knocking SAAC to get at me may want to re-think your positions. In short, you have your opinion about my car I have my opinion about yours.
There is no question in any sane persons mind who has even an inkling of knowledge about this hobby and what a Cobra is that Chebby power is a major deduction in value and attractiveness to others including on resale (except those looking at the bottom end of the "Cobra replica" market due to finances), at car shows or anywhere else on this planet except obviously to the misguided who consciously made the self destructive decision to put a Chebby in their car.
Chebby power does have it's advantages. True. They are cheap. They are as plentiful as cow chit in a pasture. Any Pep Boys will likely have what you need. They do sound good and they do immediately announce even to the less than knowledgeable average Joe that your car is clearly an imposter if there ever was a question at all before the bonnet was raised.
To say that Chebby power is better then Ford power seems to beg the question in what way? Better is clearly subjective as proved by those misguide souls thinking Chebby power is better for a Cobra replica outside of cost. Last I checked the history books the 289 Cobras trounced the Corvettes and the 427 Cobras won 7 SCCA A production titles when the 427 Vettes were long available to the motoring public and racers.
You see you can all romanticize that about how Shelby went to Chevy first, about how some now diluted modern AC company in England is using Chebby power, about how Arntz Cobras used Chebby power, how the Aussies and British use Chebby's (they use Rover engines too and Shelby never went to Land Rover for power)...it all amounts to 0. History is clear as to what happened. We know Chebby turned CS down. We all know CS as a result wanted to blow the Vettes off in the worst way which he did. So therefore putting Chebby power in a Cobra whose first and primary imperative and function historically was to beat Chevy as it's first task is completely antithetical to the essence of a Cobra and defies the history and purpose of the car. Them there is the facts.
Putting Chebby power in a Cobra replica is as antithetical to the essence of what the Cobra is, and what it is supposed to be as putting a Ferrari engine in one.
BeavenWright: Your ire is misplaced. Your ire should be directed at me. Your "insulted"? LOL. Hey, you want to play in this sandbox you better put your big boy pants on. Have you not seen the comments hurled at me and current production Cobras? Were you insulted about those? Likely not. That's OK I understand the dish it out but can't take it mentality here. Further, however to clarify what I said... I have no issue with guys who buy a car based on financial ability and buy the best they can. If it has Chebby power that's fine. The point is that as long as the car shows some effort to replicate the car it is supposed to be replicating beyond the Cobra body shell it is a Cobra replica in my book. If all you can afford is a car with Chebby power that's fine. People do the best they can. I have seen some nice Everett Morrisons with Chebby power. But chances are the car was affordable in large part because it had Chebby power.
Hey you all have your opinions. I have mine and I'm stick'n to it. 
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