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  #1001 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 11:20 AM
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On the topic of Mexico vs South Africa cars, does anyone know the csx number or year they changed? Mine was finished in 2008 but roller was likely 2007 built(csx4910) I recently saw ad ad for sale of csx4911 but it wasn't finished until 2012, 4 years after mine and it got me wondering how to tell South Africa build vs Mexico for the fiberglass body
  #1002 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamo View Post it ("Joe Blow").

Everyone keep the discussion attack/name calling free or you will disappear without notice.
Reference is otherwise understood and intended to be to "Joe Public". Will adopt the "name change" of "Joe" to be clear.
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  #1003 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Joe's Garage View Post
The idea for Kirkham Motorsports started in 1994 with the mission to build the finest replicas in the world.

How does one "un-replica" a replica?
Simple. 14 years after that according to SAAC they did it so well and their supply of bodies and chassis to Shelby American analogous to AC in the 60s they are considered "Cobras" by SAAC and registered as such in the Registry not merely "replicas or kits" as defined by SAAC. Hey, they are the world recognized authority not me. For me its "what they said". I'm good with that.

Kirkham still does refer to their cars as "kits" for business purposes based on existing federal regulations. I know this from direct personal discussions. If the Federal legislation Tony speaks of is passed their reference by Kirkham to their own cars (masterful works of art) will likely change.
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Last edited by REAL 1; 10-25-2015 at 11:41 AM..
  #1004 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by csx4910 View Post
On the topic of Mexico vs South Africa cars, does anyone know the csx number or year they changed? Mine was finished in 2008 but roller was likely 2007 built(csx4910) I recently saw ad ad for sale of csx4911 but it wasn't finished until 2012, 4 years after mine and it got me wondering how to tell South Africa build vs Mexico for the fiberglass body
I don't know the specifics as to those Shelbys. You can call HRE and speak to Bill Andrews. He is very familiar the Continuation Shelbys and their history and variations. 1 516 378 5461.
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  #1005 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 11:48 AM
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So, fifty pages later, it boils down to the definition of "replica" in the dictionary - "an exact copy or model of something" - versus a paragraph in the 2008 SAAC Registry explaining that many different copies of the "Cobra" had been built that were really nothing like the original, yet they were still considered "replicas" in peoples' minds. So, as stated in the registry: "This left the true replicas - like Shelby's CSX 4000s - to come up with another name to describe themselves. Because he did not want his cars devalued by using the term 'replica,' Shelby chose "Component Cobra." And the MSO - Manufacturer's Statement of Origin - for a CSX 4xxx-series car states that is is sold without an engine or transmission, so in fact it is a component car, i.e. sold incomplete.

It would appear to me that each of these factors suggests the real argument should be "Why does every thread devolve into a Component vs. Replica argument?"
4pipes likes this.
Ned Scudder
  #1006 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 12:19 PM
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Default I stand corrected!

Originally Posted by Joe's Garage View Post
What they say I said ...

What I actually said ...

Moving on ...

In about 10 hours we'll see if you hit the garbage can or the "submit reply" button

Nope, original only means one thing ...

1. present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest.
2. created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy or imitation.

1. something serving as a model or basis for imitations or copies.
Not that I disagree, I would say that in order to find common ground. That is Evan's definition, that is his car is a continuation. Your point stands with logic and correction. Therefore, if Ford or any motor company made cars as continuations, they are copies, not "original" and therefore cannot be counted among the true originals. And I will add that they may not even be true to the original as other makers. Perhaps, even inferior copies. Nonetheless, if it is a continuation, the best can be hoped for is that its made after the production run. Decidedly not original. Very much like them, but not.
  #1007 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 02:07 PM
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I'm good with Component Cobra, let the Shelby's be Component Cobras.
I'm also good with Kirkham building the finest Cobra replicas in the world
  #1008 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by csx4910 View Post
On the topic of Mexico vs South Africa cars, does anyone know the csx number or year they changed? Mine was finished in 2008 but roller was likely 2007 built(csx4910) I recently saw ad ad for sale of csx4911 but it wasn't finished until 2012, 4 years after mine and it got me wondering how to tell South Africa build vs Mexico for the fiberglass body
I don't know that the HST vs HiTech build was indicated on the car. I'm sure that SAI would have the info if you wanted to know.

I was trying to find my posts for when they went out of business. I was in Vegas with my car and the clutch was leaking badly. I went over to SAI and Gary Patterson and I talked with Jean Jaime about which supplier they used for the cylinders and that was in Sept 2010. So I think they ceased operation in the first half of 2011.
  #1009 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Nedsel View Post
So, fifty pages later, it boils down to the definition of "replica" in the dictionary - "an exact copy or model of something" - versus a paragraph in the 2008 SAAC Registry explaining that many different copies of the "Cobra" had been built that were really nothing like the original, yet they were still considered "replicas" in peoples' minds. So, as stated in the registry: "This left the true replicas - like Shelby's CSX 4000s - to come up with another name to describe themselves. Because he did not want his cars devalued by using the term 'replica,' Shelby chose "Component Cobra." And the MSO - Manufacturer's Statement of Origin - for a CSX 4xxx-series car states that is is sold without an engine or transmission, so in fact it is a component car, i.e. sold incomplete.

It would appear to me that each of these factors suggests the real argument should be "Why does every thread devolve into a Component vs. Replica argument?"
Cute. Again someone taking quotes out of context and in this case statements that only partially state what the Registry says. From a Registrar no less. I think you need to read more closely and maybe stick with classifying originals as "original", "original restored", "reconstructed" etc...and stick with the "Websters" deifinition of "replica" as used in your Clubs Registry. Perhaps your not familiar with the Webster's definition they utilized? See page 30 of the Registry. I'm sure you have one. There are numerous references in your club's Registry that make it clear the Continuation Cobras are not "replicas" and considered authentic Cobras.

Oh, btw, luckily Shelby's didn't continue production from 1968 onward or the "continued" production of 3000 cars would be "kits" under most DMV definitions and dictionary definitions. Imagine that.

Carroll chose the word "component" as it was needed to adhere to all the current Federal safety regulations and but of that need would not have used or chosen that term. See page 708 if you need help.

I'm good with "Current production Cobras" as defined in the Registry.
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Last edited by REAL 1; 10-25-2015 at 02:58 PM..
  #1010 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 03:35 PM
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.....but the majority of your car was built in an old MIG factory. This is correct?
Hey they have Serious skills....
  #1011 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 03:48 PM
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Evan, is your argument that technically you have an 'original' or 'real' because its made as a continuation from the originals, or is it a legal argument that because its a continuation that you have the legal right to call it 'real'? Then it can be simplified by your choice of word, being 'original' or 'real' and the legal or technical definition that word. Please decide so we can evaluate your position and conclude the dilemma. I can offer that you must decide because your car is not an 'original', because those are from the original production years 1964-1967 which your car is obviously not in that category.

Looking sharply at the facts, you may claim a technical or legal right. But since your car is a continuation, you cannot claim all of the above and be true to logic. In other words, you need to qualify your statements to have them be truthful. An example, "Technically my car is a 'real' cobra since it is a continuation" could be a true statement. "Legally I have a 'real' Cobra since Shelby America built the frame and body". The hard facts that you have a reproduction vehicle cannot be escaped. Furthermore, the only reason Shelby continued them was to capitalize on the growing reproduction market inspired by kit makers. Or... Just because I want to believe in Santa Clause does not produce reindeer poo on the roof.
  #1012 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 04:31 PM
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Shelby chose "Component Cobra" to describe the CSX4000 cars and this is documented in the SAAC World Registry - considered to be the definitive authority on the Shelby Cobra.

There is no mystery on how we should refer to these cars now. Do not call them "replicas", there is proper etiquette to be followed. If you see a CSX4000/6000 series car you really like, by all means tell the owner they have a beautiful Shelby Component Cobra.
  #1013 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by REAL 1 View Post
Reference is otherwise understood and intended to be to "Joe Public". Will adopt the "name change" of "Joe" to be clear.
Obviously took it to mean a reference to a particular Joe that is involved in these discussions, so if you're going to refer to a generic person, pick another name..."Evan Blow" for example.
  #1014 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 04:59 PM
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Jamo, that's what I like about you, you're subtle.
Al W.
  #1015 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 05:28 PM
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Thanks Jamo, no offense taken, Joe Pedestrian also thanks you

Last edited by Joe's Garage; 10-25-2015 at 05:43 PM..
  #1016 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by twobjshelbys View Post
I don't know that the HST vs HiTech build was indicated on the car. I'm sure that SAI would have the info if you wanted to know.

I was trying to find my posts for when they went out of business. I was in Vegas with my car and the clutch was leaking badly. I went over to SAI and Gary Patterson and I talked with Jean Jaime about which supplier they used for the cylinders and that was in Sept 2010. So I think they ceased operation in the first half of 2011.
It was September 2010. My partially completed.vehicle was brought to Las Vegas when Shelby seized all their assets from HST. Sometime on October Shelby decided they couldn't finish my car and we ordered another from HiTech.
  #1017 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by REAL 1 View Post
Cute. Again someone taking quotes out of context and in this case statements that only partially state what the Registry says. From a Registrar no less. I think you need to read more closely and maybe stick with classifying originals as "original", "original restored", "reconstructed" etc...and stick with the "Websters" deifinition of "replica" as used in your Clubs Registry. Perhaps your not familiar with the Webster's definition they utilized? See page 30 of the Registry. I'm sure you have one. There are numerous references in your club's Registry that make it clear the Continuation Cobras are not "replicas" and considered authentic Cobras.

Oh, btw, luckily Shelby's didn't continue production from 1968 onward or the "continued" production of 3000 cars would be "kits" under most DMV definitions and dictionary definitions. Imagine that.

Carroll chose the word "component" as it was needed to adhere to all the current Federal safety regulations and but of that need would not have used or chosen that term. See page 708 if you need help.

I'm good with "Current production Cobras" as defined in the Registry.
I'm taking nothing out of context nor giving partial statements. Go read the CSX 4000 Component car paragraph on page 708 again, which explains the CSX 4xxx series cars and why the registry chooses to refer to them as component cars. It's clear as it can be. Quote: "He did not want his cars devalued by using the term replica." Calling them component cars "suited his need to explain (mostly to various dmv authorities) that these cars were only components of a completed car - not the completed car itself, which would be required to adhere to all sorts of current stringent governmental safety regulations." So the choice was made to circumvent the dmv regulations.

And no matter how hard you may try to connect the original Cobras with your later replica, it can't be done. The originals were sold as complete cars through Ford dealers, not as component or kit cars. Imagining what might have happened if Shelby had continued production past 1968 is a meaningless exercise, but one that lawyers have become quite adept at.

It is apparent that if someone were to point out that your car is black, you would argue that it is charcoal; you twist things to suit your purpose. Call a CSX 4xxx a "current production Cobra" all you like. Just don't lump it in with the originals.
Ned Scudder
  #1018 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by REAL 1 View Post
Simple. 14 years after that according to SAAC they did it so well and their supply of bodies and chassis to Shelby American analogous to AC in the 60s they are considered "Cobras" by SAAC and registered as such in the Registry not merely "replicas or kits" as defined by SAAC. Hey, they are the world recognized authority not me. For me its "what they said". I'm good with that.

Kirkham still does refer to their cars as "kits" for business purposes based on existing federal regulations. I know this from direct personal discussions. If the Federal legislation Tony speaks of is passed their reference by Kirkham to their own cars (masterful works of art) will likely change.
Not the same, keep history accurate. We've been over this before.
AC Cars Ltd did not supply SAI with bodies and chassis. In general terms for the CSX series cars, AC Cars sent SAI complete cars less engine and transmission assemblies. The cars were set up and engineered for the drivetrain in England but installed at SAI in the states. Cars had suspension, steering, brakes, wiring, wheels, tires, paint, interior, etc.
While Kirkham may supply current SA with bodies and chassis that are built into current CSX cars, it's not the same or similar to how the original cars were built.
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  #1019 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 06:23 PM
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If Shelby had continued Cobra production much beyond 1968, the cars would have evolved into something quite different from the originals, in order to meet changing federal standards. Quite likely, they would have morphed into something like the Series1 or the first generation Viper, which - like it or not - sort of fit with Shelby's vision of what a "modern day" Cobra would look like. They would have been called Shelby Cobras, but there would probably still be people wanting to build replicas of the original 60's cars.
Tropical Buzz

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)

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  #1020 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2015, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Nedsel View Post
I'm taking nothing out of context nor giving partial statements. Go read the CSX 4000 Component car paragraph on page 708 again, which explains the CSX 4xxx series cars and why the registry chooses to refer to them as component cars. It's clear as it can be. Quote: "He did not want his cars devalued by using the term replica." Calling them component cars "suited his need to explain (mostly to various dmv authorities) that these cars were only components of a completed car - not the completed car itself, which would be required to adhere to all sorts of current stringent governmental safety regulations." So the choice was made to circumvent the dmv regulations.

And no matter how hard you may try to connect the original Cobras with your later replica, it can't be done. The originals were sold as complete cars through Ford dealers, not as component or kit cars. Imagining what might have happened if Shelby had continued production past 1968 is a meaningless exercise, but one that lawyers have become quite adept at.

It is apparent that if someone were to point out that your car is black, you would argue that it is charcoal; you twist things to suit your purpose. Call a CSX 4xxx a "current production Cobra" all you like. Just don't lump it in with the originals.
So the truth again slips out. You don't want the Continuation Cobra connected to the originals. That was patently clear from you in the past and now. However, not you or anyone can take away the connection that does exist. Unfortunately for you they are connected, i.e. same manufacturer/company issuing a Shelby Cobra for sale separated by a period of years. Fact. In fact, not you or even your club can change that fact. Your club's Registry connects them to the extent they are connected and appropriately so. Deal with it. The facts are changing on that score.

You again run your colors up the mast by referring to my "replica" when your club's registry doesn't consider my car a "replica". In fact some aluminum Continuation values are not far off from your "COB's". Further, Continuation Cobras have more Shelby DNA and are more "genuine" Cobras than some rebodied originals and especially some "reconstructed" Originals. That must really irk you.

I've read page 708. Yes, CS had to describe them as "component" cars to circumvent federal regulations in order to sell a genuine spec Cobra. No way to manufacture or sell such a car today. Tell me you don't understand that. Now you go read page 29-31 to start.

I have twisted nothing. The Registry is very very clear. You are the one "twisting" to suit your purpose. You know damn well what the Registry says in multiple places regarding the fact the Continuation series are not considered replicas or kit cars and are in fact considered authentic Shelby Cobras. You just don't like it. Oh, well. Sit with your buddies on the committee and re-do it to say what you want it to say. No problem. Re-write it. Won't change the facts. Retracting logical, rational and factually correct statements and positions should do wonders for SAAC's credibility. However, it should make you feel better personally.

Oh, BTW your club took the position that the continuation Cobras were genuine Cobras just as the originals except separated by date of manufacture at least as early as 2004 a good 4 years before the litigation you claim occurred between CS and SAAC resulting in SAAC "taking liberties". What a bunch of hooey.

Don't worry about me "lumping" Continuation Cobras in with Originals. I stick to the facts. Why don't you stop lumping Continuation Cobras as "replicas" and stick to the Registry. I would think a registrar for SAAC would back his club's Registry viewed as a world wide authoritative text and the Club's statements instead of grinding his own personal axe to protect his own turf.
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