I don’t want to get sideways with Jamo, but would love to ask for your beta feedback as fellow DIY car guys on Partskeeper.com - a site I’ve created to help car guys keep track of car part numbers, torque specs, installation pics, etc.
Why I created it:
I got tired of looking through email order confirmations for part numbers and googling torque specs and figured there had to be a better way. When I looked around for an app to help me manage it, there wasn't one, hence the genesis of Partskeeper.
Partskeeper is a site to find, store, buy and manage all of your auto parts, part #s and part specs in one place as part of a vehicle profile. The site filters over 2m parts and only shows you those that fit your vehicle (although this feature works better with standardized vehicles), including links/prices to sites where they can be purchased. It's free to use (it makes money via affiliate commissions if a user buys parts using the links).
It's a beta, so not everything will be perfect. It currently has about 2m unique parts and should cover nearly every OEM part. It also has aftermarket performance parts, but these are more of a work in progress as many don't fall neatly into make/model/year/engine categories (especially for specialized or modified cars). There is a “modified” check box when you set up a profile to provide flexibility for engine swaps. Users can also add new parts missing from the database and there will be a community editing feature in the not-to-distant future too. The site works on mobile web and there will be a native mobile app in the future.
Anyway, let me know what you like, don't like, would use, wouldn't use and features you would like to see. You can post feedback here, PM me or email me at