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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2019, 02:17 PM
MLI MLI is offline
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Default Blowing AGC Bussmann fuses on fan/horn circuit

Today 12:58 PM - permalinkMLI
My # 393 Kirkham SC has a single SPAL fan VA18-AP70/U - 4ma 12v. A large amp meter shows In Rush on start up of 59.4 amps and 14.5 amps running.
Yesterday the 30 amp AGC blew after a month of driving 17 mi each way to visit my wife in an assisted living facility. I’m old and deaf but watch the cars amp meter, engine water temp gauge and blow horn occasionally to test fuse not blown.
A first time try with a 30 amp slow blow 32 V MDL 25 amp Bussmann failed going 3 miles each way to the drug store today. The water temp got up to 110 C at a stop light and its over 90 here in eastern Pennsylvania today. Any thoughts would be appreciated!! I did figure out that taking the steering wheel off facilitated getting my old head and hands up closer to the the damn fuse block above the steering column and roof of foot box. Thanks, Jerry
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2019, 06:01 PM
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The numbers you got seem reasonable and a slow blow fuse should take the inrush, providing the fan is not turning on and off frequently. That said, I suspect if you were measuring the current when the fuse blows, it would be headed for infinity, do to a short somewhere. Or the fan, may have a bearing seizing. It would be nice to hang an amp meter that would store the peak amp draw, to prove I am right, cause I am wrong from time to time.

You might try following the wires from the fan and see if they are getting too close to something hot or rubbing on an abrasive grounded surface. You can often see where it arced.

Good Luck.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2019, 06:05 PM
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Check the fan relay on the firewall......if it’s Lucas.....could be the issue.....
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2019, 07:07 PM
MLI MLI is offline
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Thanks Olddog and Morris. Will check out your thoughts tomorrow. Jerry
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2019, 11:03 AM
MLI MLI is offline
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I picked 393 up in Idaho in early Sept 2018 and drove to Provo, UT to discuss some changes I hoped David Kirkham would make for me. A pal of his with a side pipe falling off his 38,000 mi 427SC. He suggested David remove the Lucas toggle switches as he had had many problems with them in his car. It was done.
Being a new owner and pilot I watched the temp gauges like a hawk but it was cool in UT and no issues observed. On leaving Kirkham’s new magnificent factory I was on a slight upgrade on the main drag North with a car in front stopped at light. It started drifting back, I hit black horn bottom on dash and NOTHING. I yelled STOP PLEASE and the driver obliged. Horn did not work again and I didn’t know it was also on the fan fuse. I had David add to his list for me. I’m now wondering if I had an operating cooling fan for the remaining 350 mi. of 600 we drove before retuning car to Kirkham.
This morning we replaced the blown 25 amp MDL slow blow with a 30 amp AGC. Also disconnected horn wire from horn/fan fuse block. Have driven 50 mi. and fan still working. I also had David add a temp switch to make sure fan would automatically run if I left toggle OFF. It’s an age thing. The fan/horn relay is not LUCAS, but Improdus PRZEKAZNIK T80-70 12V 75 A .
Will post follow Ups. Jerry
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2019, 11:37 AM
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I had a problem with fuses blowing for my fan on #142 and found that replacing
the relay fixed it for a short period time. Replaced the relay again (Lucas were
the 1st two) and so far, so good. Good luck with yours - the fan is a must have
on mine, the horn I have never used yet anyway.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2019, 05:04 PM
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I am sorry to hear that your wife is in a facility. That leaves you home alone. It’s necessary to have help at some point in our lives, but it still does not make it enjoyable.

Regarding your blown fuse; I think checking out the amperage draw on the fan is a great idea. There may be drag for several reasons. Also, follow the wires, and make sure one of the connectors isnt bouncing around close to metal sheeting, and thus, part of the metal on the connector is grounding out on the sheet metal. There should be a little dark spot on the sheet metal if this is happening. I know you realize this, but SAFETY Bob has to do his thing; DON’t put a bigger fuse in! That’s cause for a burn down!! Gold star to you for your faithfulness to your wife!! Bob
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