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12-27-2002, 07:37 AM
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Kirkham Raffle tickets...
I have had a number of our club ask me about the raffle for the Kirkham car. Many of our members will not be able to attend the DVSFIII....
So my question is..How will those not making it to the fling be able to buy tickets?
Ginny and I will be there.

12-27-2002, 08:20 AM
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For DVSF2 there was a link on the website to buy them. I assume they will be doing that again.
Guess we'll know more once the Fling 3 website is up.
Any estimates on when DV??
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12-27-2002, 09:30 AM
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Has it been definitely decided that it will be raffled off then?
I thought it might be auctioned off, either at the end of the event or on ebay, ending at the end of the event.
However they think the most money can be raised would seem to be the best choice to me.
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12-27-2002, 04:18 PM
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If it is auctioned off on E-bay, most of us will not have a chance to own such a beautiful car. (Can't afford the price). The raffle offers all of us a chance to own it. However, I am with you, I am for whichever method will bring in the most money for team Jenny. Someone ,with the know how, should do a feasibility study to predict which method would bring in the most money.

12-27-2002, 05:58 PM
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First the web site is almost ready. The great guys that have volunteered to put it together are ...well just wait until you see it!
Here comes that question again: Is it a Charity event or a Cobra event? The answer is the same as it was and will be...it's BOTH.
Just days after the Kirkham's offer went public, I received a phone call at the shop. One of our fine members offered to pay $51,000.00 right there on the spot! My Gawd! That was more money than we had raised at either Fling by far. I was ecstatic, then reason took over. Why, if one of our members was willing to pay that much, how much could we make if we did "Bid" it away!
Then reasoning took over once again, as Paul indicates, very few of us would even get a chance to make a serious bid. Maybe, just maybe some of the more affluent among us will simply buy tickets in groups of hundreds or even a thousand or two!
Nope, it's got to be a raffle..... now when can I get MY ticket?
DV....we are family

12-27-2002, 06:30 PM
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I see those car "raffles" where they sell only a certain number of tickets, at a pretty good price, and "give away" a 60's vette (or whatever) and make several times the potential selling price for that car. That probubly requires lots of visibility to sell enough tickets to work. If you can get the car raffle visible, through other charitable groups and every other method thinkable, it might be one of the better charitable fundraisers in and of itself. I do think you could sell at least 1000 $50 tickets, there are other prizes in the raffle too, right?
In a fit of 16 year old genius, I looked down through the carb while cranking it to see if fuel was flowing, and it was. Flowing straight up in a vapor cloud, around my head, on fire.

12-27-2002, 08:33 PM
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If you are going to sell a bunch of raffle tickets and get OTHERS involved who are not in the Cobra community you will need a lot of exposure. To do that, you will need more than a cardboard cutout of the car being raffled. The car has to be ready to be shown, displayed well before the event.
We don't know what Kirkham's schedule is , we don't know when the car could be ready. There are many events between now and then a well placed , and displayed Kirkham could do it's magic and sell a lot of tickets combined with the prestige of CF.
If we wait until the Spring Fling, it will be just Ussens... That will limit the amount of money that can be raised.True, it will give the attendees a better chance of winning the car, but NOT necessarily raise the most money.
If the car can be put on Ebay, and sell for $80-85K, it would be a shame to settle for $40,000 worth of tickets.True it will give the average person a chance to buy a ticket and win a car, but it would be a shame to leave that much money on the table.
If we commit to a raffle and sell no more than $50,000 worth of tickets, then what. Are we going to cancel the raffle?
I think the car should go on EBAY with a high enough Reserve and we can be selling the raffle ticket with the understanding that if the car brings a lot of money from an individual (well above the rate of raffle tickets) we would refund the individual raffle ticket costs.
This all is meaningful, if the intent is to raise the MOST amount of money.
My own opinions..
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12-27-2002, 11:52 PM
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I think a raffle would be the best method, it gives all us poor saps a chance to help out a great cause, and at the same time let us dream of owning a piece of automotive artistry.
I have seen many classic cars in the past raffled off and advertised in publications like Hemmings Motor News, or a plethora of other related motorsports magazines. This may take some work on the part of some of the members of this and the other cobra forums, but I believe that it would pay divedends much higher than one individual buying the car at highest bid.
To let this car pass into the hands of somebody who can afford the car outright thru bidding, is to circumnavigate the whole spirit of charitable giving. The heart of charitable giving is the HOPE that it will lead to a highly desirable outcome: ie; the cure for a horrible disease such as Cystic Fibrosis. What better match than to raffle off a chance to win such a fine automobile to the countless people who can't afford one, yet can HOPE to do just that through buying raffle tickets.
To action off the car to the highest bidder, will more than likely result in the car being purchased for somewhere just over actual retail value. This do to the fact that one person has to bear the whole burden of the price. If we where complacent and happy with that result, then why doesn't Kirkham just donate the sales of one of their cars to the cause?? I believe that Dave Kirkham generously donated this car in the HOPE that this car will raise more money than a standard sale.
I will close by saying that I will not be able to attend DVSF-III at this time, but would love to contribute by purchasing raffle tickets. Additionally, if DV would like to contact me, I would be more than happy to spend some time attempting to get some of our great magazines and publications to help us with advertising our raffle.
See Ya
Jeff E.
Last edited by J-MAN; 12-28-2002 at 05:51 PM..

12-28-2002, 01:29 AM
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The chance to own an original peice of Kirkham artwork... I'm gonna lose some sleep over this one.
I agree with the raffle idea. There are many large auto shows between now and June that could be a mecca for interest in tickets. There are many local shows as well that some simple flyers could could bring in a couple thousand dollars in raffle tickets alone.
We have a weekly show/cruise here that starts up again in April that averages well over 200 cars per week with some weeks in the 600 - 800 range.
I can't imagine not being able to sell 50 tickets there for $50 each.. That would be $2500 just from one local cruise night.
With so many people stating they want to help the cause for Fling3, I can't imagine not being able to sell 1000 tickets.
I would hope we can sell 2000 or more for $50.
One of my neighbors won a '56 chevy 4 door on a $10 raffle ticket that they were selling for a full year and got over $40 K in ticket sales for that. I would certainly be more interested in a K car.
I think we need to find the optimum price for the raffle tickets. Sure a Cobra enthusiast will spend $50 for a ticket to win a Kirkham, but would joe blow car enthusiast? I don't know?
Maybe $25 is a better number? Could we sell 4000 tickets at $25? would be cool to raise 100K on that one item. I know for myself I would rather buy 2 chances for $25 each than one at $50.
I also think that if it's on ebay you won't get much past the retail price. When your talking about someone spending 60K+ for a car, most of them will be bidding to get a deal on a Kirkham, not to raise money for Jenny. It doesn't make sense to bid much past the retail when they can call Tom and write a check for 59K.
Ebay may get you more bidders that can afford a Kirkham but how many of them are represented here and trying to help DV raise money for Jenny. Not to mention the hassle of running a simutaineous raffle and auction and having to manage refunds for 1500 or more tickets if the auction does well.
How many members are there here?? and the other cobra sites?? I don't see it being a problem to sell 4000 tickets at $25.
Wouldn't most of the people who advertise thier business here and on the other boards be willing to put something on thier own website?
How about national car shows? Would CF be willing to put up a booth at a few of those. Or perhaps there are some people here that are local to those big events that could do it.
I wouldn't mind pulling a shift at the next Knott's show to sell tickets. I will certainly be there and spending 4 hours selling tickets not a problem. And we don't have to have the exact car to show ahead of time. If they have another roller or car they use for the show room that would suffice. Especially if they plan on attending as a company anyway. When is the Carlisle show? Any PA volunteers.
DV it's your party and this is just my .02 but I think there is enough interest in helping here that we could sell 3 or 4 thousand tickets for the right price and raise 80 - 100K.
Any other volunteers to sell tickets at the shows???
OK rant over.
If there is anyone else here in CA that want's to help organize a presence at the shows/cruises send some mail.
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12-28-2002, 01:46 AM
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If you want the Cobra community to continue to support this event and Cystic Fibrosis as the Kirkham’s have, this Cobra has to be raffled off. At the past two events we had kits raffled off at $50 per chance to win. This would mean a sale of 2,000 tickets at $50 each to reach a goal of $100,000. This would actually wind up being more than the bid on the 911 Cobra for New York. If we had to wait until June, 2004 to pull this off then that would be worth the wait, of course for this part of the plan waiting to work we would have to talk to DV. I only wish I had won at the first two events because I would have given my kit back to the Cobra community to make it into a finished Cobra or Coupe, to then be auctioned off again as a completed car. My wife said I couldn’t build any more cars in my garage, plus I don’t want to build any more cars. As a finished Cobra up front and a premiere one at that, I think 2,000 sales would be possible. I guess if I win this one, next years car will be an Elegant Motors.

12-28-2002, 03:11 AM
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Serious side...raffle the car Lighter side....Dan if you didn't take 15-17 yrs, I forget how many, to build a car, maybe your wife would let you build another one......in your garage....lol
XSSIVE .....

12-28-2002, 05:24 AM
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I vote for a raffle as well. The idea of auction on ebay will again limit the car to a select few, but a raffle is something everyone can be a part of. The idea of selling raffle tickets AND listing on ebay and if the reserve is met refunding the money to the raffle ticket holders also I do not believe is a good one.The American Cancer Society has several raffles during the year, $100 per ticket and 2300 tickets sold...seems they have no problem selling out. In our little community the Hospital raffles a BMW every year, $100 per ticket and only 1000 tickets sold...has no problem selling out and they do not advertise too much.
Perhaps a little well placed adds(automags, Kit Car etc.) will help.

12-28-2002, 05:35 AM
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People, the whole idea about the Kirkhams donating to the spring fling is the fact that it is a raffle based system. This levels the playing field to those who may not be able to afford to spend $75,000+ for a weekend toy. Playing off of this, we do indeed need to get the ball rolling (web page for selling tickets to say the least) in order to sell as many tickets as possible before the Spring Fling. We can then use our own power base of Club Cobra members to spread the word to everyone we know. Kit car clubs, Mustang (and other related car) clubs, other web page forums, friends, family, local cruises (with permission from the host clubs of course) etc and so forth. With a little bit of effort, we can easily attain a goal of selling 2,500 tickets at $25.00 each.. Hell, just off the top of my head, I can think of at least 10 people who would buy a ticket for such a raffle....Times this by the number of active club Cobra members, and we are more than 1/2 way to our goal, and have yet to leave our respective desks..........
Just my own 2 cents worth on this subject.......
Bill S.
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12-28-2002, 05:59 AM
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I'm listening! (Fraiser)
Turk, bottom line is..high bidder is going to pay retail tops. This leaves out the fun, excitement, comraderie, and of course the possibility that one of us small guys could actually win such a beautifull machine.
We all know the "K" Cobra has a heart and soul. It will come alive, and it will know it's place in the world and what it was build for! It will have a mission, it will have a goal to accomplish. Raffeling it off will only allow everyone in our "family" help to achieve this goal.
There are many, many people working in the background right now, working on ways to advertise, and promote. We have every intention of trying to show this car all over the country. If I have to take time off from the shop and transport it myself I will.
I do not have a finish projection date from the Kirkham's, it really depends on them. I'm certainly not going to rush them or demand a date! However, as soon as it gets done, it WILL become nationally known, one way or the other! (Our publicity campaign is already in the works- we're not waiting for the finished car to start)
Turk is right in that "ussn's can't do this alone! I will call in every favor, I will hound every publicist, I will ask and use every volunteer, I will see to it that "WE" will raise more money this year for CF than ever before!
With the help of the "Cobra Family" it will be done!
DV...hope this isn't to heavy for a Saturday morning! We can do this!

12-28-2002, 06:41 AM
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Jack (Hotfingrs and more),
I'm actually working on a hard top for my Cobra as we speak (Honey more yellow paint). I knew DV would go a long with my suggestion if he ever wanted some Key Lime Cheese Cake from Florida.  I guess I will have to put June down as a trip back to Ohio.

12-28-2002, 07:27 AM
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Hyde D. Baker

12-28-2002, 08:36 AM
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DV, I agree don't rush The Kirkhams....
However getting the car to as many shows as possible is a great idea.
Let's see if it made the Knotts show....I could see it up close and personal. Every time I walked by I would buy a ticket..That is if they took money wet with slobber. 3DSMILE:
GINNY I need more money...

12-28-2002, 10:07 AM
I'm a bonehead!
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Tempus fugits if it's a raffle.
If you're going to sell tickets in multiple states, someone may need to look into each states requirements vis a vis raffle legalities.
You also need to determine, as has already been brought up, how much you're going to charge for tickets (discounts for blocks of $100?) AND how many tickets you're going to sell (an ever expanding number so no one can just buy them all?).
I agree that a raffle could raise more than a pure auction, but doing so will take much more effort and involvement than posting it as an auction...how about a combo raffle/auction with the proceeds from the raffle tickets being bid on the car. Would seem to guarantee the maximum return, though it could be possible that NO raffle ticket buyers would end up with a car and would have to settle for the secondary prizes. I don't even know if such an arrangement is legal.
Using American Cancer Society raffle results may be a bit specious just due to the size of the 'audience' involved. The '56 Chevy raffle may be more indicative. Though a local hospital sold tickets to its doctors and raised enough to award a new Rolls Royce and still raise money for charitable purposes. Very dependant on the 'market' you're selling into. This could well be a very wealthy market.
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12-28-2002, 10:15 AM
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Ask away we are here and more than willing to help.
Now if some of the other mfr's kick in a car to raffle just think how many tickets we could sell. Who knows maybe we could raise $250K this year.
I can push tickets at the Knott's show and the local shows here in southern CA. Who else is in?
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12-28-2002, 11:28 AM
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Just more of my $.02:
If you price the tickets at $25 and limit to only 2500 tickets than there will certainly be people who would buy several hundred dollars worth and 2500 tickets at $25 dollars only raises $62,500. If you raise the individual price to say $100 and limit to 2000 0r 2500 tickets, I think you will raise a lot more(200,000-250,000) and still sell out you tickets. Considering the value of the raffled product, $100 is more reasonable, less people would buy large blocks, and every one in is on equal ground.
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