Location: P. O. Box 96, CATAUMET, Massachusetts 02,
Cobra Make, Engine: Butler with home-rebuilt 393 Cleveland stroker(Ya---ikes!)
Posts: 3,036
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Jamo, me Hardy
Did I mention that the DN ice-boaters (none came out yesterday---------too windy) are all used to LAKES, Therefore (this is hysterical) when the tide goes down, rocks leave progressively bigger "bumps" wh/ are INVISIBLE to the ice-boaters. One guy did a Cuban Eight last year! Oh, in response to your observation--yeah, it's a blast--BUTT the smile quotient numbers go down as the age and body-weight numbers go up! This morning was "Dawn of the Dead" fo' sho'!
How do I know there's a Gawd? Why am I reverting to deism? The snow last night made the bay UNSKATEABLE! Yesterday's bruises are now moving toward the blue/purple side of the spectrum!
Last year's record? 34 stitches. Gulls drop quahog (heavy clam) shells onto the ice, then eat the flesh (leaving the shell frags--they ain't got NO table manners!)--the shells "melt in" a bit, leaving perfect shark's' teeth. 34 stitches. Not me! Why were all participants larfin' (including the wounded party)? See Mt. Queer Rum in previous post.
Car arrives today or tomorrow morning!!!!! Time to fit ice-racing tires.