Think about it!
If the web site was up don't you think I would be shouting it out for the world to see!
On the other hand, hopefully we had our last conversation with the bank yesterday. You'd think getting credit cards on a web site would not be a big thing, but being a charitable organization, or an event for a charitable organization is tough to say the least.
Add that and the fact that our agenda has changed so many times over the last three months, I don't even know how many changes have been made! Our web volunteers have been typing away for months too! Tom, Glen, everyone involved has done more work than it would have taken for five websites. And I mean that litterally! These guys have been great. The sponsors are just now lining up, and they have to be on the site. New sponsors are being sought everyday and are coming on board.
We have some very, very neat raffle prizes that will be incorporated with the awesome KMP Cobra that have to be finalized. Tickets are being made. Decisions on how to handle everything from transportation for you and your familys are being made-especially for Friday night! We don't want anyone to have to drive Friday evening if they have any intentions of tipping a few at our private and WELL ENTERTAINED PARTY!
Frank Fostorie(sp) has "volunteered", (ya-right!) to take over Sundays event in it's entirety. Sundays events will be the largest event ever for Cobras and certainly the largest of it's type that I have ever tried to organize.
For an example; just since 9 AM yesterday morning three major things had to be changed on the web site. My point is, once it does go into operation it will be constantly upgraded, changed and kept up to date.
The word as of yesterday afternoon, everything should be in place to turn it loose by the weekend. Hopefully, if time allows, I will be posting a full, new and upgraded post about Fling III by the weekend. I hope everyone will be surprised, thrilled and hopefully excited about it as we are!
DV...Stay tuned-THE FAMILY is about to get together again!