Hope you guys out there are doing your part and sending emails to your senators. I send one email a week, example down below, i hope this does the trick? (always helps to kiss some ass)
Dear Senator,
I have been reading up on California Senate Bill 708, and i must say i am not happy about it. I am a big car buff and i appreciate cars very much. I do not understand this sudden urge to change the smog law now? What you must understand is that people who drive older classic cars, like my-self, from the 50's and 60's do so because we understand what cars from those era's mean and not because we do not have to smog them. Those cars stand for all that we are, those cars are like members of our family. They were created in a time of creative revolution. They were not put togather on a computer and built by random machines, they were drwn out by hand, built in our towns and cities. They were not one of millions of cars that just roll of the assembly lines, thay stood for much more.
When i first bought my 1967 Shelby Mustang from the original owner a few years back, it was a heap of rust. My father and i made a commitment to put it back togather and enjoy it the way it was ment to be enjoyed. And in the four years it took to restore it, i realized something, this was not just a car, it was a persons livlihood, a persons dream, and the day that it was completed, it came to life. I would not trade my car for the world. And if i am unable to drive it, it would crush me. Although i know it may be altered to pass smog, the beauty is in its simplisity. N computers, wires, or just electric junk, it is as the creators wanted it to be. The cars of those era's are living history, do not take them away.
In closing i would like to ask, Would you buy a child a(n) history book and put it in the shelf, not allowing them to look through the pages?
Thanks for your time