It's evident that you suffer from Myophia. Lets see if we can widen your outlook a little !!
How many replicas are made by first time builders with no prior experience in the field ? Quality of doner cars are questionable at best ! How many replica cars are started, never finished, sold as a basket case and finished by another ? Or thrown together just to sell ? Cost cutting corners just for completion sake ?
Do you really believe that these "cars" are as good as a SPF, ERA, Kirkham or even a Shelby ? A production type roller built with known quality parts and "Skilled" craftsmen who are proud of their craft. One would question your sense of what is quality if you say they are the same except for the name !!
I also said,
"It all boils down to what YOUR want and needs are and how much your willing to spend for your desires."
(SSS, read that again, it's important)
Have you ever seen a pure breed racehorse packing "Grub" to the floor of the Grand Canyon ? No, its not the best beast of burden for the chore at hand.
Inversly, you will rarely see a Mule on a trackwith pure bread race horses for competition !! Unless they are pulling a chuckwagon !!
Finally, Who in the He!! said anything about smart people having more money ? Ya got both of your oars in the water ?
Here it is again, read it please, then THINK about it !
The old saying,
"Don't get mad at a person who is smarter than you ................ it isn't their fault."
My friend, read what IS said, not what you Think is said !!
Infrances can be dangerous sometimes !!