Rte 27 to Exit 61. Follow signs to Eastport.
Make a right at the stop sign.
Make a left at ( I believe ) next red light.
There is a big Bide-A-Wee per adption place just before the track.
Suffolk County Sheriff's are also located just behind the track.
Dan...I have left Gary messages on his cell and at the track number. I just located his home phone and will give him a shout there. I love the Cobra Train feeling but I am meeting you guys enroute with 401K and Steve B.. Marty or Compy can lead out.
Besides...didn't I make a wrong turn last time causing about 15 Cobra U-turns ?? Uugh.
That's a mean looking red machine in the photo !
Is the driver as cool looking as his motor ??
Does he " Dance With The Devil In the Pale Moonlight?"
(Answer ?? Oh yeah .. He do !!!!)
Vito..if you intend to meet us out east like last time
ask Compy for my tel# and have some coffee with us in Manorville . See you there.