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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2003, 01:23 PM
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Default gauge question

My SW water temp gauge seems to be stuck at 220 degrees(has always read there) water temp actually is 190;do you think this is just a bad gauge?Also my oil pressure gauge seems to be erratic,quickly going to 90 or so and then sticks there. Any advice? chuck
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2003, 01:42 PM
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You didn't state whether you have electrical or mechanical gauges. If you have an electrical temp gauge, you may have a defective sending unit or a mismatched sending unit or conceivably a steam/air pocket where the sensor threads into the mainfold. Check the resistance of the sending unit at operating temp or check the part number and verify that it's the correct one for your gauge.

90 pounds of oil pressure seems very high, especially if you still get that reading once the engine come up to temperature. If the oil pressure gauge is electrical, you probably have a sensor issue similar to the temp one. If the gauge is mechanical, you either have a defective unit or the oil pressure relief spring is wrong.

There may be other causes too but these are some of the most common problems.
*** OF GREAT WORTH *** And JESUS asked again, “The Kingdom of GOD, how shall we think about it, and to what can it be compared? Is it not like a Dark blue 427 Cobra, which a man found parked on his street one day? He hurried off and sold all that he had; the ’57 Thunderbird, the ’63 Stingray, the XKE, and bought the dark blue 427 Cobra.” The disciples frowned and scraped their feet; JESUS grinned and popped the clutch. --- Harris Wolfe
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