I guess Stop had little meaning.
Shill would indicate I was recruited to try and sell something when I only sell Life Insurance at
www.competitionlife.com(Now that's selling)
I am neither partner nor have any financial connection with anyone at the company in North Carolina. I just bought a car from them and I am happy. I paid a retail price $62,500 if anyone want to see a copy of my paid bill. They have my money and I have their product. That's as deep as it goes. It's like eating in a restaurant that you love. You tell everyone to go there. That wouldn't be a shill for the restaurant, would it.
So, it is unfair to and childish to call names. It would be like me calling you "Loser" because you can only afford a Unique and not a Shelby.
You failed to focus on the most important part of the quote
we have seen others get themselves killed on the street possibly along with some of their friends.
You have also failed to see in all previous threads that I have plans to own a real 289(That would be a Cobra)I also recently posted a thread looking for a Specific issue of the Shelby Marque magazine for my collection. Why would I need it and go to great lengths to get it. I must have some interest in the cars. Maybe I am compilling up data in order to figure out exactly which original 289 I want to try to buy when the timing is right.
You are also incorrect to say that the hobby has become meaninglessn to me. I just have concerns when I hear of actual CC members killing themselves in their cars and Insurance Companies(Not life) wanting to hike rates and potentially not insure Cobra's because of the high claim rate. That would hurt the hobby for all of us.
It's time to wise up and stop making false accusations and go on with your life.
Bill S. I would check your tone controls. Your treble was way up there.
This thread was initially set up to possible enlighten those who had no idea that real Nascar Winston Cup cars can be had at what I consider to be a fair price for what you get. Apparently there are already a few that not only think as I do on CC but already own one. And, if you have been to a Shelby convention on the open track, I am sure a few of you including myself have been passed by one so I am not the only one that got the bug.
We should all meet again under better circumstances.