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Steve Gallegos 10-10-2010 05:09 PM

I was in Pasadena (LA) on Friday night at a stop sign when a new red Farrari pulls up to my left about even with the front of my car. The driver lifts himself out of his seat and says, that is one beautiful car. the blond next to him gives me the thumbs up.:3DSMILE:

RallySnake 10-10-2010 06:47 PM

The Eureka Rally
Sunscreen was the order of the day. I left home in a t-shirt, sweatshirt and light jacket and it was a little chilly, but not one cloud was in the sky. I met Larry (one of the few brave enough to spend a day in the Cobra) at the start of the Eureka Rally and we registered as car 6. This rally was a Santa Monica Sports Car Club event written by Jeanne English. Car 1 left at 10:01 and by the time we lined up behind a beautiful red Mini Cooper (you know, the car that can double as a coffee table) the temperature was up and we were down to t-shirts.

The instructions took us to the Antelope Valley where we found 9 checkpoints and scored well enough to take home the trophy for Touring Class. It was a very enjoyable rally that left us full of memories of mountains, cactus and perfectly paved roads. Come out and join us for the next one:

NOTE: The touring class has simple to follow instructions without all the tricky rules that make people feel frustrated. I highly recommend it.

tcrist 10-10-2010 08:01 PM

I was driving around the other day and a guy was following me a bit close. I pulled up to a stop light and the guy pulled up along my passenger side. Note: this is just a two lane road. He said "HAY" so I looked over at him. Then he said "That car is just bad a$$". I said thank you and he stayed back off my bumper after that.

Snakebit 10-11-2010 09:54 AM

2 car shows about 2 weeks apart. One was "Revv Up For The Cure" charity for breat cancer, and the other was sponcered by a Corvette Club, "American Wheels 2010". Took 2 trophies for top 40 out of 184 and 228 cars. The Corvette guys did a super job, no club cars were entered in the show and the show was judged by your peers. So everyone who registered was a judge. Best of show was a 1967 Camaro 350SS that looked better than showroom new condition! I come home and there is a thank you card from the breast cancer gruop. They raised over $9000 for breast cancer research and thanked me for my support.

imfastrnu2 11-11-2010 11:02 AM

I had three hooters waitresses flash me and ask me what I was doing later that night. :)

Ok...that's not true... but I did have a guy and his daughter stop me at Walgreens to take a few photos.

Fullchat289 11-11-2010 11:43 AM

Cobra kiss.
I was away in Sweden on business last week. Upon coming home and getting in the family car that sits next to the Cobra for a family outing, my nearly 5yr old daughter said.."Daddy, I kissed your car today"...then proceeds to demonstrate the kiss to the top of the door. Funny kid....not sure if the it was her attraction to the car that initiated the kiss, or the fact that she associated it with me and kissed it b/c she missed me - Either way, it was sweet. ;)

- Allen.

thatbluetruck 11-11-2010 12:45 PM

Sometimes I tell the admiring folks that the car belongs to my girlfriend, that usually gets a round of: Dude! Or, I will tell the plumbing truck guys beside me at the light that it's like a bleach bottle blonde "It's not pretty, it just looks that way. But, the best reaction is when I'm at a traffic light next to a garbage truck and I ask the driver if he want's to race. The laugh and look on their face is priceless.

azfordman 11-11-2010 12:58 PM

I think some of the best recognition is when kids know what these cars are. Was at the gas station by my house the other day and a man walked up and asked if his son could look at my car. He said his son, maybe 7 or 8 years old, had three Cobra models at home and it is his favorite car.... I grew up knowing about these cars, but it is awesome that a 45+ year old design still inspires the current generation!

BDR879 11-19-2010 09:20 PM

Granted I only have 250 miles on my car ..... but the stories are already adding up!! I was at a local gas station filling up the other day and a gal in her 20's pulls up to the pump behind me, gets out and says "I love your car". The funniest part was what looked to be her Grandfather in the passenger seat with a grin from ear to ear staring at the car as if possesed :LOL:.

sspano01 11-25-2010 07:22 AM

I keep reading through this thread and the stories are great!
Makes me wonder what will happen around where I live....small town in upstate NY.

My cobra will be legal to drive in a few months, so I'll be ready for summer 2011.
I've driven it twice up and down my road and around the corner though to test it out.

It has already gotten alot of attention while I was working on it in my garage including

Local cops came by to check it out and tell me about their Fords
Probably about 1/2 dozen various people driving by, then backing up, then asking "IS THAT A COBRA!". And then getting out and coming to check it out.
My immediate neighbors are always coming over when I am out there to see what is happening next as well.
One of my neighbor's who has been retired for a while has a Northstar Cadillac and he said he would race me because his Caddy is fast.

Then in the 10 minutes (tops!) I have actually driven it up and down the street, I had two people stop their cars and get out and take pictures of it.

The folks at the local NAPA store (and several of our friends) think I should put it in the local town parade to offset some of the smokers that people drive in it.

Can't wait to take it to some shows next year after it is really down.
Can't wait to just drive it to the grocery store/etc.

Keep the stories coming! I still have about 40 pages to read through :)

BDR879 11-26-2010 05:08 PM

I'm right with you. I have a few stories already and I just got mine pretty much sorted out. I am doing a few more minor cosmetic mods to it over the winter. My son and I are going to select some car shows to participate in this spring and summer. Can't wait!!

letsboogie351 11-26-2010 05:17 PM

A nice friendly wave from a Ferrari driver & when paying for fuel the bloke at the cash register says "nice car, it's a BMW?" I didn't disappoint him I just nodded and said yes!

cobracrazy 12-05-2010 10:46 AM

I came out of Starbucks and found a 250lb man had crawled under my car to inspect the suspension. All I saw was his gut and legs.

All those funny stories inspired a blog a few months back:

Bill Bess 12-05-2010 03:02 PM

Hey , I got a trophy at a local show for the "Car Most Likely To Get A Ticket".

The Judges were members of the Utimate Fighters Team in town for Patriot Days.

Dwight 12-05-2010 04:14 PM

No Ticket but he did chew on me a little. He hear me lite them up from three blocks away.

TN Shelby Cobra 12-05-2010 08:29 PM

Cool pic Dwight!

BDR879 12-07-2010 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dwight (Post 1094304)
No Ticket but he did chew on me a little. He hear me lite them up from three blocks away.

So was it an even exchange? A picture of him with the car in exchange for a warning? :LOL:

RallySnake 12-11-2010 11:49 PM

True story!

We were running the Santa Monica Sports Car Club's First Friday Night Rally and the course took us down Latigo Canyon. It's my favorite "rollar coaster" road in the world. About halfway down, the engine started making a loud rattling noise, so I pulled over and opened the hood. It only took a minute to see the problem was that one of the alternator bolts had broken and the alternator was loose. I used a plastic handled screwdriver to wedge between the water pump and alternator to maintain some tension on the belt and wrapped duct around it to hold it in place. While I was working, I heard my co-driver talking, but didn't pay any attention to it because I was so anxious to get back in the rally. I finished the patch job and closed the hood and Ron tells me that these two really cute girls had stopped and asked if they could help. I had missed the whole thing with my head stuck down in the engine bay! We limped to the finish and all Ron could say was those girls would never have stopped for me, it must be the Cobra.


mdross1 12-12-2010 04:05 AM

Funny just been talking about not covering car for the winter.Just sold our SS Chevelle,walking by the Cobra on jack stands,the new Chevelle owner had to stop and ask a few questions.One answer was No it's not for sale!

Ozgur_Tan 12-12-2010 05:26 AM

yesterday, one guy ask "is she TVR ?"

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