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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2003, 11:05 AM
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Location: saratoga springs ny,
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Default 2004 Summer Run Info

This is for all you new guys out there that didn't attend last year.

The Run is held Lake George NY July16/17/18th 2004
Rooms at 888-389-4554 ask for Roberta or Heidi make sure you tell them that its for the summer run group.
169.90 standard room
189.90 premium room
269.90 suites ( you know that part that wasnt done last year )

The registration cost will be $15 per car.( A registration form will follow)

Friday- Check in we will have a group dinner and maybe a short cruise after then a night out on the town(WOW what a Town)

Sat we will leave for a backwoods run thru the adirondacks for lunch and be gone most of the day This will be one of the most fun drives you will ever take with your car. Last year we had 24 cobras blasting thru the mts and it was quite the seen. This year we should have around 50

Sat nights activites will consist of dinner,boat cruise or night on the town or all three (its a long night ) details will follow. ( I think Ill leave dinner open this year people seemed to like to branch off in groups)

sun- breakfest and a few photos and we'll be done by noon

Last year I set this up kinda on a whim and I didn't really know what to expect. Thanks to the help from Phil and the rest of the guys this turned out to be one best weekends that Ive ever had with the car. What a great bunch of people.

Please let me know if you book a room

Any question just ask
founding member
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2003, 05:13 PM
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Location: saratoga springs ny,
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Last year we didn't get to much of a responce from this board I think some people saw this as FFR weekend? But we had 6 mfgrs represented last year I know that Lake George New York Is a hike for some but trust me its worth it. We had people from as far as Virgina last year and their all comming back I know its a long way off. I just want to get it out there

Greg P
founding member
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