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11-20-2003, 09:01 PM
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SPF/ERA vs...say, Team-C
Hi...this is a general question, and if it's a stupid one, please indulge the new cobra-idiot...i'm trying to get better.
i've been doing my homework, and looked at a bunch of different manufacturers for my first cobra. I'd be looking for a turnkey car since i'm a computer programmer by trade with a one bay garage and a build project just isn't in the cards for me now. I've turned a wrench or two in my day, but I know my limits.
anyway, i started out with the idea of a csx4000, but i'm alittle spooked about the vapor-ware aspect of them (there ain't none around to touch), and i was very impressed with a visit i made to the smake pit to see the SPFs. also going to visit ERA upin CT next week.
my question is this: Team-C offers a turnkey-minus, and i've also seen backdrafts offered. The team-c guys can get me a car witha 420 for about 43-45k all done. the backdrafts look to be around the same. the spf is over 10K more than that, all wrapped up. Are SPFs THAT much better? i mean, what am i really buying with the extra money?
i can swing the cost of it (my budget starts to choke around 65...a little light for a finished CSX from what i can see, but right in there for an SPF pretty nicely set up), but if I'd be happy with a car thats a lot less...well, you see my point.
any thoughts would be appreciated. i know my way around cars generally, but i don't know if i know enough to simply "spot" where that extra money is going...

11-21-2003, 03:51 AM
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all of the replicas are different from onanother, but only you can decide which one is "best" for your wants and needs. After being on this forum for four years, the one sure thing i can say is that virtually every replica owner is happy as can be with their particular brand. Each brand has its loyal following, and usually lots of "tech support" from their owners.
There is no best replica, only the best one for you. There are generally some tradeoff's with the less expensive cars, like most things in life, but these differences may not be at all important to every potential purchaser.
I personally love my four year old SPF, now with about 65,000 trouble free and very enjoyable miles, including countless drag strip runs, and road course events. I drive it every day.
But if you sit in and ride/drive your primary choices, i am quite sure whatever you put in your garage will be one of the most enjoyable experiences you will ever have. There is a wonderful assortment of choices out there, one will be just right for you.
Hal Copple
Stroked SPF
"Daily Driver"
IV Corps 71-72, Gulf War

11-21-2003, 04:58 AM
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Thanks, hal, and of course you're right. Please understand, i wasn't looking for anyone to disparage any brand. it's just like, for example, i like audio equipment, and am often asked to help a friend pick out a new set of speakers, etc.
i always tell them that there are quality speakers for $1000 a pair, and there are quality speakers for $100,000 per pair. if a pair of speakers sound good to you, and they cost 500 dollars, and another pair sound pretty much the same for 5000 dollars, you shoudl generally BUY THE 500 dollar ones. if you're going to get the same enjoyment out of it, then why not?
my question is this...i want to put a pretty beefy motor into this car. i'm not purist such that the slightest "non-authentic" detail is going to bother me. I want a quality machine that more or less looks like a cobra should (subtle details aside), and doesn't feel rickety and loose at speed.
basically what i'm asking is, if one manufacturer can put out what looks like a very similar project for 1/3 less...there MUST be trade-offs, otherwhise no one would buy the more expensive product. thats capitalism. so can someone tell me what it is i'm really buying with the extra $$? I don't mind spending it if i'm going to be glad about it later, but i also don't mind saving it if i'm not going to care.
again, i'm not looking to start some manufacturer flame-off here...not at all. i'm just hoping ot augment my homework with some voices mreo experienced than my own.

11-21-2003, 05:40 AM
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They are both fine machines, you'll be happy with either. I looked at both myself, almost went for Superformance, but chose ERA for the following reasons:
1) I preferred the chassis design
2) Fit and Finish was better
3) ERA has been making them for 20+ years
4) You deal directly with the manufacturer
5) Best company I've ever dealt with
Hal is absolutely right - each person has their own ideal Cobra. Look at what each offers and pick what best suits you.
Keep in mind these cars are very light - it doesn't take a firebreather to have way too much fun. With 320HP (7.5lbs/HP) I have more than I have the skill to use.
The tradeoffs tend to be things like fixed axle vs. IRS, body and fittings. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with any of them, just different focus.
Enjoy your Cobra journey.
BTW, if the NEPA part of your sig is North East PA, I'd be glad to take for a spin.

11-21-2003, 05:50 AM
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If you had that much to spend I would seriously encourage you to consider buying a completed car that is near perfect (no car is perfect). I know Dan Semko mentioned a couple days ago he has a Superformace that would go completed for around 45K(?) I think. Best wishes!
PS. - Mine is always for sale (and it has a 427 SO)! 

11-21-2003, 06:06 AM
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Tom,you may also want to look at Unique.They will probably price out at about the $42-$45k range as well.I ordered an ERA for basically the same reasons as Jim,but went through the same angst as yourself for about 6 months.When you look at the fit and finish of these upper end cars,though they sound expensive,you will wonder how they can produce them to that quality for so little compared to new cars in general in this price range.Have fun on your quest! You won't go wrong on any of the choices you mentioned,and you will meet a great bunch of people in the process.

11-21-2003, 06:10 AM
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Hi Tom:
Your questions are very valid and in the long run you will have to come up with "the answer(s)" that is right for you. I think that one way of doing this, you being a computer type guy who understands analysis, is to build a spreadsheet that lists those factors that are important to you and then weight them against each other.... you can then build a decision matrix from data.
Authenticity (is this important to you?)
Models offered
Completness Owners Manual
Post Sale Support
Ability to customize car to your desired configuration
Lead time to delivery
How you will use the car - road cruise or track
Components Used vs Cost
Optional Components
Quality of Build
Quality of Paint and Choices
Build/fabrication location (overseas vs US)
Transportation Fees
Engine Choices and relationship with engine builders
Trannie Choices
Suspension - Drivetrain Choices
Your Budget -- (this is a very very critical part. Some folks make a decision on cost and overlook value and quality, so know what you are paying for and what you are getting or NOT getting by paying less). There are reasons why one make is more $ than another... you must ask why and thend you must decide if that is important to you or to the aftermarket)
These are major categories and each has MANY sub-topics upon which you can embelish. The paralysis of analysis is a good learning experience here. You may also want to contact guys here on CLub Cobra who are in the build or order and wait stage to pick their brains. Many of them have already been down your future path or are a bit further along it... as it were....
I would highly recommend Curt Scott's book "The Complete Guide to Cobra Replicas - 3rd Edition". He has a real nice website and you can call him and pick his brain. He does not own a Cobra for ethical reasons, but is very very knowledgable on each make. Also there is a book by Ian Stent called Cobra Replicas which focuses on English kit builders. It has a nice set of early chapters which define an analyis process.
I would start with choosing a model of cobra and style...
ie: 289 FIA or Street vs 427 Street or 427 S/C
This is all part of the fun.
I hope I have been objective and helpful in this reply?
Art in CT
See My Website at http://www.lithicsnet.com
A car can massage organs which no masseur can reach. It is the one remedy for the disorders of the great sympathetic nervous system. Jean Cocteau 1889-1963, French Author, Filmmaker

11-21-2003, 06:25 AM
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you've been very helpful... in fact, this site has been a GODSEND for my research. I appreciate all the help i've gotten here.
i'll know more once i've made all my research trips...it's a quizzical thing, but I love to learn. I went through teh same thing when i bought my first set of audiophile speakers. now i can bore teh crap out of anyone talking audio.
can't wait until i get that boring re: cobras! (LOL)

11-21-2003, 06:26 AM
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OH! Almost forgot... NEEDANTI... yes, i'm around the Allentown area. drop me an email some time, if ya like.

11-21-2003, 07:52 AM
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I went through the same type of search as you are when trying to decide on which manufacturer to go with. Spent about 2 years in general research and the last half of that in serious research before I decided to go with an ERA turnkey.
The total price will be about 65K by the time I get through with engine, paint and add ons such as leather upholstery, ERA rear end, 17" wheels, tires, etc., etc.etc............................
If I had the time to spare I would have probably purchased a unit from them that I could have finished myself but I not only work a killer schedule but I'm not getting any younger either.
I was also able to speak with several ERA owners of both partially complete and turnkey cars and they were unbelievably helpful in answering an avalanche of stupid questions from me.
After making a pilgrimage from Oregon to CT to meet the people who make up ERA organization I was finally convinced.
Not the least of my concerns was the fact that, if anything goes wrong with the car, it's going to be a 3000 mile long distance relationship. I wanted to have at least a reasonable confort level about the after-the-sale attitude of whoever I bought from. One look at the Manufacturer/ERA section of this forum should be enough to put anyone's mind at ease. Go through the posts and you will get a sense of the amount of after sale interestl ERA takes in their product.
The only problem area I'm experiencing is "the wait". It's going to be a really long winter. I'm expecting delivery between June and August and, if other posts about it are to be believed, it will probably be August although I've added a production incentive of a case of steaks and beer for every week before the end of July that the car is completed. Ninety-nine percent of the wait problem is with me. I have absolutely no patience. Actually I used to have patience but I couldn't wait for it. I've found shippers that deliver next week, 3 day, 2nd day and next day air. I'm looking for the one that ships yesterday air. When I find them they'll get all of my business.
Sorry for the long post but I've got nothing else to do while I'm waiting.
In a nut shell, take the advise of the people you'll find on this forum. Do your homework, make your decision and then GO FOR IT. Don't second guess yourself or you'll just end up going in circles.
I hope your search and research end up a positive aspect of your final total purchase experience.

11-21-2003, 11:34 AM
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I'm not sure if your aware but SAI is now offering the CSX 4000 starting at $40K for a fully finished roller, painted, plumbed and wired.
If you were at the Snake Pit you were right next door to HRE a couple of buildings over. He is one of SAI dealer and he always has a number of beautiful Shelbys on hand.
At this point I would certainly look at the new SA (South African) CSX before buying a SPF or an ERA.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.

11-21-2003, 12:21 PM
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ERA, CSX, SPF, Contemporary, Unique, all would be excellent choices. There are many other kits out there, but those are the ones I have some personal experience with. With any of the kits I just named the one constant is that you can be sure the underlying quality of the kit is going to be good, and after that it comes down to how the particular car you are considering was finished.
I have to say, though, that I examined and drove a Backdraft for the first time about three months ago and came away extremely impressed with the value the car presented. From a strict authenticity standpoint their car is perhaps a notch below some of the others, but in terms of fit and finish it seemed to be to a very high standard. The turnkey price as mentioned to me was quite a bit less than the roller price of several other kits. The car drove very nicely and was pretty quick considering the mild 302 that particular one had installed. I would definitely recommend taking a look at them--

11-21-2003, 12:59 PM
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I'll back up snakeeyes reply with encouraging a look into the BDR. Your question has not been answered regarding what you are getting for the extra for other brands. I don't know a lot about ERA and Contemporary, except from what is spoken on here that are very very nice cars. But SPF rollers are around 9K more than a BDR. The SPF comes with true knockoff wheels, and top standard. If you added these options to the BDR you'd be up another 4k atleast. I'm sure there are other things that come standard on the SPF that aren't included with the BDR. I honestly believe that the BDR is the best buy on the market right now. Give them a look so you're not wishing you had an extra 8 grand for stereo equipment later. I think you can get into a BDR optioned the way you'd like body/trim wise and have a stroker 408 / 500+HP ready to run for low to mid 40's.
I wish this reactor had wheels!

11-21-2003, 01:20 PM
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I would add Frame design (safety)to your list of things to check .
This is what steered me toward ERA . The frame has pre
determined points to give in the event of an impact , starting
from the front : one tube inside the other with a sheer bolt just
behind the bumper , the fram will fold at the joints etc.
I did not feel comfort in the 60's design (two round pipes)
Just a thought

11-21-2003, 01:41 PM
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I would look at a used ERA(scarce) or SPF.You can easily find a good example for 40-45.000.chuck

11-21-2003, 01:44 PM
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Buy a nice used Cobra from a mfg with a great reputation. Plenty of sorted out cars can be had for far less than the build cost. I would stick with SPF, ERA, or Unique - great cars with LONG track records. If buying new you can go wrong with the new CSX rollers @ $40k.
'It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity and make it work for you.' -- Frank Zappa

11-21-2003, 04:08 PM
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My ERA #414 is for sale. Check out the pictures on page 5 of the Cobra's For Sale section listed as ERA #414 for sale. Please call or email me if you would like to know more ....
Good luck in your quest!
Phil Cool
Healdsburg, CA.
(707) 433-2272

11-21-2003, 05:16 PM
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Phil,your car is absolutely a showstopper!If I was in a position to buy today,I'd be knocking on your door(I still have a year of payments on present car).I did print out a picture of it on nice glossy to keep me inspired, however,until my day arrives.Good luck selling it quickly!

11-21-2003, 05:25 PM
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E-R-A, period. My ERA came out of the mold in 1983, and friend ERA-Fia and I are the original owners/builders, Twenty years experience with the same company, and our cars are "high content" and we're NOT waxers, although appearance always counts. If you don't buy an ERA, save a little more and get a Kirkham. And be PATIENT, the ERA will be worth the wait.
You won't be sorry.

11-21-2003, 05:59 PM
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See an ERA
I live just south of Allentown. If you want to see a ERA car drop me a line. I just finished the build and PA title process on my ERA FIA car.
The experience dealing with ERA and the quality of their product has been everything everyone has said.
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