I just got the long anticipated phone call from Peter at ERA...my car is in production!!! It's car #676. This smile will not leave my face for a long time
"There are 10 types of people out there....the ones that understand binary and the zeros that don't."
Cobra Make, Engine: 302 done, CSX289 comp body, leaf spring chassis to original specs...
Posts: 899
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You are the MAN this holiday...Give thanks!
So you been broken and you been hurt, Show me somebody who ain't
Yeah I know I ain't nobody's bargain, But hell a little touchup, and some paint...
I ordered at the end of January this year...10 months ago. It will probably be exactly a year when it shipped to me (unless I get it painted out there)
"There are 10 types of people out there....the ones that understand binary and the zeros that don't."
Cobra Make, Engine: E.R.A. FIA #2088 1964 289 w/Webers
Posts: 2,151
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I remember that moment well! Congrats!!! It's a great feeling knowing it's really underway.
On another note...If you really like & want to do your own bodywork & paint more power to you! Or even if you have a local painter who you trust to do a great job go for it. I am deep into my body work & very happy that I didn't take some of the cheap quotes I got early on. Knowing what I know now one of two things would have happened. Either they would have done a really crappy job or the price they quoted would have changed as the bodywork progressed. I know that the company ERA uses for paint has provided many happy customers at a reasonable price & probably in large this is likely due to the fact that they know these bodies inside out & can turn them around for this price. I am in "no way" trying to say that ERA produces a bad body because in fact they are a great company with a great product. Again, congrats!!! You'll soon be spending way too much time in the garage
What is involved in the bodywork that you were not expecting? I am considering Jeff Miller in Temecula CA. He paints alot of Cobras...mostly FFRs but has done ERAs too. In fact he had a ERA 289 body there when I visited. I saw 2 freshly painted FFR bodies and they looked pretty sharp. I'd love for you to elaborate on your body work....what should I make sure gets done?
"There are 10 types of people out there....the ones that understand binary and the zeros that don't."
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #375 427 S/C - 428FE - Toploader - 1968 AMX 390 Go Pack 4 Speed - My Daily Driver is a 2004 Crossfire
Posts: 872
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Hi JoeA!
Congrats Amigo! Next time I drop by ERA, I will bring the digital camera and snap a few pics of your chasis and body shell. Happy Thanksgiving. Your car is 301 cars after mine. I am sure you will be happy with it. What is the expected build time?
A car can massage organs which no masseur can reach. It is the one remedy for the disorders of the great sympathetic nervous system. Jean Cocteau 1889-1963, French Author, Filmmaker
Congrats,Joe A!I'm probably going to be about 301 cars behind you.You may want to talk to Tony who does most of the body work for ERA.He can give you some insights as to what little details you may want to address as to authenticity if you are shopping for a painter.The inside of the hood and trunk lid,inside of fender flares,proper rounding of the cowls,rivet placement on the scoop and leading edge of the hood,or more pronounced rear flares are some of the things he'll gladly review with you.When I talked to Tony,and suggested I may want to do Black on my car,he was very enthusiastic about it.He said it was his favorite color to paint because it showed off his skills at blocking,prep and finish.That said a lot to me! Just a thought or two. Gary
Cobra Make, Engine: E.R.A. FIA #2088 1964 289 w/Webers
Posts: 2,151
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I would agree with foothills gary. + I would add that you have to be wary of air pockets in the fiberglass which I have mostly found around the edges of the flares, hood & trunk lid. I would expect anyone familair with fiberglass work, cobras & who is reputable would address all of these little imperfections, areas & do a fine job. I would steer clear of anyone who may not be famillair with either unless you know that they do a high quality of work & are very thorough.
Thanks for the suggestions. The insight from experience is priceless. The fiberglass should be done before the end of the year. The chasis probably start in Jan. I expect she'll be shipping by early Feb unless I get paint from the subcontractors.
"There are 10 types of people out there....the ones that understand binary and the zeros that don't."
A car can massage organs which no masseur can reach. It is the one remedy for the disorders of the great sympathetic nervous system. Jean Cocteau 1889-1963, French Author, Filmmaker
The trick here is to call daily and remind them that Turk instructed you to keep after them. The more you mention his name, the quicker they'll finish your car and get you out of their hair! If they slack off at all, call twice daily until they straighten up.
DDS/The First Edition
"In debates on ethically contentious issues, it is never wise nor polite to deride or belittle another person's delusion."
I putting a 428SCJ in it with a Tunnel Wedge 2x4 setup topping it off. I'm putting a TKOII transmission in it (not sure on the rear gears....suggestions welcome).
As for the color I'm pretty sure it 's going to be some type of silver, titanium or platinum with black stripes...still shopping colors and painters.
I decided to go with 17" wheels (polished). I like the look and I'm sure the performance will be leaps and bounds over the 15s.
As far as mentioning Turk....I think there are some other four letter words they would rather hear from me than that one!
"There are 10 types of people out there....the ones that understand binary and the zeros that don't."
I have TKO2's in both cars and recommend that you also install the Pro 5 shift kit. It only runs an extra couple of dollars and the shifts are shorter, crisper and nicer. You won't regret it unless you try to install it AFTER the install, then you can dedicate at least a day of extra work and a handful of Excedrin.
DDS/The First Edition
"In debates on ethically contentious issues, it is never wise nor polite to deride or belittle another person's delusion."
Here is a link to a gear ratio calculator that does a good job of letting you see what theoretical values are produced with various transmission/rear end ratios. http://www.xse.com/leres/ss/calculator.html
My ERA is being ordered with the TKOII and 3.31 gears in the rear and 17" wheels. I felt that combination would give me the most "streetable" combination. Just plug in the values and let the calculator do it's thing.
I would also consider Walt (Conn. custom car) He is ERA's other painter. He did mine and did a great job. Also if you are going to do a 2X4 set up, you will have to cut the inside of the hood unless you are running a low riser. Have the painter do this so you dont have to do it later after paint.