I believe it was Turk that predicted the registration process would end up with the local DMVs unable to contact Sacramento to receive your SPCN number. Well guess what. I've been at DMV all morning all the paperwork is done, check is written. Just waiting for them to get through to Sacramento for the number....nothing but busy signals on the phone. She even faxed them and called her regional office. So right now I get to sweat it out waiting. The supervisor gave me her direct desk phone to call her for status. Stay tuned...
"There are 10 types of people out there....the ones that understand binary and the zeros that don't."
I have an appointment for this afternoon, I am not even going to bother going.
Something else will have to happen in California, otherwise there will not be any more Cobras or Hotrods sold or built in this wonderful place.
If they can give 3 million illegals Driver Licenses, you would think they could be as charitable and give Legals registrations! Maybe another 500!
I spent 2 hrs at the dmv, then the manager told the clerk they were to busy to help me anymore, she said she would keep trying to get thru to sacremento, but also made me an appointment for monday morning
I Planted...Watered....But God gave the increase....
Just got back from the DMV. Got there at 7:30 opened at 8:00, paper work and money took until 8:28 and then ___ 2.5 hours trying to get Sacramento on the line for the coverted number. What a mess.
My local office was really great and knew that if I did not get the number I was screwed. They called time and time again to Sacramento only to get busy tones, I am going to write them a letter of praise.
I bet that close to half of the numbers are gone today.
Joe I would not leave without the number, so they kept on calling to get rid of me, I am sure.
You things will change now that AHHNOLD is charge? He likes big toys! Imagine his big square head looking over a Cobra windshield....don't tell him I said that!!
"If you're not racin' it, you're wastin' it!"-Me
I had a similar experience to Gary along with two other guys, one going for a Shelby the other a JBL. Between the three of us we got #'s 71, 77 and 78 all aroudn 11 AM in the San Mateo office. I understand they were in the mid sixties from a buddy in Daly City about 10:30. I was there a little after 8, had the non-SB100 paperwork done by 8:45 and left around 11:15, killing all that time trying to get through.
The real hang up was getting through to Sacramento - the telephone line was busy and whoever was on the line in Sacto. was frazzled.
This process actually seems to be progressing better that I predicted. Sounds like the individual employees at the different DMV offices are really trying to help, unlike my sarcastic remarks:
One thing that really burned burn me is their request that I put a $ value on my labor. Really sucks. As a non professional how can I really put a value on my labor. Takes me at least 4 times as long and that is if I have the tool needed and I am not being constanly interrupted by wife or kids.
I started at 8 am in Fresno. I suggested they put the Sacramento number on speed dial. It took 90 minutes before they got through. I would not move out of line until you get the number. I was # 37.
Got to DMV Walnut Creek at 7:45 along with 8 of my BACC bretheren after the paper work was done they made one call to Sacto and got all of the numbers at once........We left there at 11:30, they were polite and did a good job in handling all of us.....there was some inconsisitency in the knowledge base among different folks at the windows.
I got # 51 for the Daytona and #52 for the Unique, we all went and had lunch afterwards.......I had a Bloody Mary to celebrate.
Also picked up #50 for a close friend that had to be out of town.
Best Regards,
Tony R.
Last edited by Tony Ripepi; 01-02-2004 at 02:33 PM..